Lessons from the east

Although the fascination with the east may be greeted by others as just another craze, the principles of their people’s lifestyles prove to be an antidote to the stressful movements of city life. This is what three successful women in Manhattan realized. Two former cosmetic executives and one supermodel form Sundari (which means beautiful woman in Hindi. Alya Hussain and Caven Mahony), two former cosmetic executives and graduates of Harvard Business School, and Christy Turlington (who graduated with a degree on Philosophy specializing on Eastern Philosophy at New York University) believe in attending to the skin by balancing out the doshas.

So now your feeling lost about this dosha bit? Here’s a quickie for you: Ayurveda, roughly translated as "the science of life", believes that the mind,body and spirit are connected by energies called doshas: vata (air :movement and nervous system), pitta (fire-metabolism, heart) and kapha (earth-structure,weight). It is believed that health is achieved when all energies are balanced. When one energy is more dominant, it creates stress on the body and mind. Ayurveda works on natural methods using plants and healing therapies to bring the three energies in harmony. Skin is the outward reflection of inner health and the principles of Ayurveda are used to create a holistic skin care line that uses only natural products and no preservatives at all. The line, which took two years to perfect, is a luxurious range of hydrants, cleansers, gels and oils that are catered for every skin type possible.

The women involved in the brand believe that lifestyle and the effectiveness of Sundari must go hand in hand. Ayurveda, after all, is about the whole package and not just a figure of symptoms. Each product from a specific dosha contains key ingredients for effectiveness. Some contain comfrey for vata skin, sandalwood for pitta skin, lemon for kapha skin.The products contain the highest quality of ingredients and most of the ingredients used are organically grown (no pesticides or chemicals).

In this whole east meets west age, something that has survived for more than 5,000 years merits trust with no doubts. How many people can say that about a 21st century beauty bar?

Sundari is available at Essenses Rustan’s

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