Crushed friendship?

Dear China, Maimai And Tingting,

I have a crush on someone. He’s one of the cool people in school. He’s also one of my closest friends. One day, another friend told him how I felt. This friend said that my crush didn’t believe him but still, he has stopped talking to me and texting me. Once, I pretended I was mad at him, but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He smiled faintly... not a real smile. How can I bring back the friendship?


I don’t really know if you can get the friendship back. It’s all up to this crush of yours. Maybe you should just be patient and wait until things cool down. Good things come to those who wait. His change may be because he is shocked to know that you like him and he is not used to a different relationship with you. Give him time to absorb the truth. With this revelation, things will definitely change. Let him make the first move. If he is your friend, then he will want to clear things up with you too.


If your crush is a friend, then maybe, being exposed means he’s uncomfortable about the special feeling you have for him. Sorry, but I think it’s too late for you to do anything about it. I don’t advice you deny it; in fact, the truth will always set you free. Look at it this way – if he has changed his behavior towards you, it’s either he’s intimidated or he doesn’t know what to do. Open communication lines with him but don’t pressure him.


That’s what is difficult about a said word – you can’t take it back. Did this other friend of yours ask permission from you before talking to your crush? If he didn’t, then he should be responsible for helping you get the friendship back. If he did ask you permission before exposing you, then that’s a different issue. You then should make the move. Talk to this boy directly and ask him why he’s been avoiding you. Admit the truth and accept what he decides to do.

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Secret Admirer’s Dilemma

Dear China, Maimai And Tingting,
I sent a Christmas card to a girl I like in school. I was supposed to give it to her directly but unfortunately the room where she works as student assistant was closed so I left the letter underneath the door where she’d likely see it. On the letter I put the cell number of my sister in an attempt to know her reaction, if she had any. She replied and asked who I was. Caught off-guard, I declined to tell my true identity and she got mad. It was too late to realize my mistake. Still, she replied when I texted her a week later, or maybe because she just wanted to know my identity.

Do you think I can have a second chance? I always see her, even see her walk by her lonesome in school. I just want to introduce myself, tell her that I’m the mysterious sender and apologize for my gutless antics. I think she’s a good person but that’s not enough for me to approach her without fear. What should I do?

Backdoor Out

There is only one way to find out if you have a chance or not. Go up to her and reveal your secret. It’s one thing to keep your identity because you like being mysterious and another thing to not tell her because you are merely gutless. Girls appreciate men who are strong and being afraid to tell her is just the exact opposite. Just be prepared to be liked as much as be busted. Only she holds your fate. Good luck!


Don’t be afraid. Be a man and acknowledge that you like her. The girl will like you more if you come out in the open to profess your love for her rather than stay being a mouse, hiding in a corner. The fact that she answered your text a week later may really mean that she’s curious about your identity and nothing else. Don’t pin your hopes too high so you don’t get disappointed if it turns out that the feeling is not mutual.


Yes, most definitely, you can have a second chance. The only thing to do here is muster the courage to go up to this girl and say that you are her secret admirer. Just prepare yourself for what may happen. One, she gets to actually like you and you will be able to nurture a relationship with her. Or two, she will not appreciate you at all. This latter one is painful so I suggest you prepare yourself for the possibility that you are not her type. In spite of this, I think the best way is to be honest and come clean.

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