Sexy In The City

Exactly what makes a person sexy (read: generally attractive, appealing or interesting)?

A study conducted by Dr. La France reveals that women with the sexiest appeal are those with long, straight blond hair. On the other hand, the study describes the sexiest men (or those who elicit the words "hubba, hubba" from other people) as those with short, front-flip hair.

But you can be sexy, according to writer Reshma Memon Yagub – and you’re never too old or too young, too thin or too big to become one – if you follow these four basic rules:

Dress the part.

Cultivate a sexy body.

Act like a sex goddess.

Develop your social skills.

You can be a sex goddess by following Reshma’s basic prescriptions:

• Remember you’re a goddess, not a mother. So refrain from nagging.

• Be a goddess always, even in small ways. For instance, when going out on a date, remember that men hate picky eaters. A sex goddess loves food. The only thing you should keep in mind is portion control.

• Lastly, pay attention to your man to show that you care. Acknowledge his presence but shut up the moment he starts talking and pay attention to what he’s saying.

Developing your social skills involves three imperatives, according to Reshma:

1) Don’t be shy.
Never pass up the opportunity to make friends.

2) Make the most of your time.
Sexy women are incredibly busy, not with looking at men but with running their own lives.

3) Speak out.
Don’t keep your opinions to yourself. Learn to share your views and stand for your beliefs. It not only makes you look sexy, it also earns you respect.

Apparently, you can have a sexy body by eating a balanced diet and exercising daily. But do bear in mind that a fit body is the body you feel good about – nothing more, nothing less! It helps, too, if you pamper your hands and take care of them like you would the other parts of your body. And of course, don’t forget to take care of your skin. Keep it ever smooth!

Interestingly, Reshma links sexiness with refinement. Women need not really bare all to look sexy. Of course, wearing next to nothing would surely get attention.

But you will appear too obvious because men will know you’re trying to make them look at you. Then, too, remember that the moment you show more skin, you can’t really pick who you would want to look at you. Chances are, your presence will be acknowledged not only by the man you’re eyeing but also by every Tom, Dick and Harry in the place, not to mention a prospective stalker. You get the ugly picture, don’t you?

An interesting study was conducted by Samantha Bennett among college students to find out what mattered most to them about their bodies. The female and male participants were asked to either put on a sweater or swimwear. Afterwards, they were asked to answer questions on either body shame or math problems (go figure). To underscore the purpose of the study, the students were offered some cookies. The girls who wore swimsuits felt ashamed and were not able to concentrate on the math problems presented to them. More, those who were not sexily confident refused the cookies. Apparently, it was the girls who felt despicable (or morally unworthy). The guys, on the other hand, simply felt silly.

So, what is sexy to you? Here are more answers from some college students.

Czarina De Leon:
Sexiness for me is not so much a physical attribute as it is a state of mind. It’s the ability to charm people using coveted characteristics like intelligence, good social skills or, yes, even a great body.

To me, a person is sexy if he/she exudes suave and self-assured ways. However, it’s also a great turnoff if, for instance, a guy is too fresh and full of himself. There must be a balance between confidence and modesty because what good is a sexy guy if he’s too conceited and stuck-up?

I feel sexy when I feel sure of myself – physically, emotionally, mentally and, yes, spiritually.

Therese Santos:
Sexiness is being able to show people that you feel confident about yourself and you feel proud to be a woman.

I consider a person sexy if he/she has this powerful aura that attracts the opposite sex in an instant (yung malakas ang dating, so to speak).

I feel sexy when I like what I’m wearing and I know that I look good in it regardless of what others may say about me. I equate sexiness with confidence. No one can take away your feeling of sexiness. It comes from within, not from what others tell you to feel.

Raymond Braganza:
Sexiness is an attraction to a certain aspect of a person. It can be something in a person’s body or personality. It is also being able to look and feel good in anything you wear (thanks, Jeff Gonzalez). A girl who’s got a great body (curves and all) is sexy all right. But she has to dress well, too (not like a girl who simply bares it all because she’s got a great body).

I feel sexy when I get into sports, when I have many admirers (how I wish!), and when I dress up well.

Patricia Ganon:
For me, you don’t have to have a perfect figure and you don’t have to wear sexy clothes to look (or feel) sexy. Just be yourself and think you’re the sexiest person in the world! How you feel about yourself will rub off on how others will feel about you.

Camille Paulino:
Being sexy is having the right attitude, the grace and poise in whatever you do. No need to fret if you’re not endowed with the ideal, beauty queen 36-24-36 stats. For as long as you can make the most of what you have and feel sexy and happy about the way you look, why should you care about what others say? Besides, a size 12 and up was sexy during Michaelangelo’s time.

Cristian De Asis:
Sexiness is not about having a good butt or a great physique. It is about how a person carries himself/herself.

To me, a person is sexy if he’s neat, has self-confidence and does not feel insecure about other people’s body forms. I guess each and everyone of us should be content with what we were born with, but if we could do something to improve ourselves (inner and outer selves, that is), why not? We should always try to improve ourselves.

Honestly, I feel sexy after a workout when it seems that all my fats have just been burned. And of course, when somebody tells me that I’m hot!

Marj Robles:
Sexiness can be summed up in two letters: Me. Joke only! Sexiness is a mix of physical appearance, character (most definitely!), intelligence and personality. For me, sexiness is more of an attitude – the way you see yourself and present yourself, without trying too hard. Sexiness is multilateral: A combination of many appealing things that, when put together, makes a person sexy. A sexy person is one who stands out in a crowd.

I feel sexy when I think I’m sexy. Sometimes, it’s all in the mind!

Elyn Collado:
The general notion most people have about sexiness is a perfect figure. But for me, sexiness is being comfortable with one’s body (whether one has a great figure or not). I believe that people who are comfortable with their bodies are sexier than those with the hottest bods!

I feel sexy when I’m wearing a comfy pair of jeans and a black shirt (to hide my imperfections).

Sexiness is not about how you look. It’s about how you move, how you carry your clothes.

I find it sexy when a girl looks straight into my eyes when she talks to me, or makes little gestures like running her fingers through her hair or stroking the back of her neck.
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E-mail me at ice_wave_42

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