A Guy Guide For Girls

Different girls have different tastes when it comes to guys. Some girls find it appealing when guys have this whole high-standard way of living, meaning they appreciate the fine things in life, be it what they eat, what they wear, and what they find interesting, plus of course the well-mannered way in which they were brought up. Meanwhile, some girls opt for guys who are simpler, laid-back, and doesn’t have too much arte when it comes to things.

Women can be very particular when it comes to certain things, but especially when it comes to guys! More often than not, we girls have this "ideal" man sitting up on a pedestal, somewhere in our imagination, and every man we meet ends up being compared to this imaginary ideal. So what kind of guys do girls really like? Is it the "Jock," the "Laid-back," the "Cultured," or the "Partying" type?

The Jock

• has a very active lifestyle

• is very open in trying out new sports

• lives and eats healthy

The Laid-back Dude

• is a homebody

• prefers movie marathons instead of going out to crowded bars

• loves to chill out

Mr. Cultured

• loves the arts

• is very preppy

• appreciates traveling or learning about different countries

• would rather watch a highly reviewed European film with subtitles than Jim Carrey’s Bruce Almighty

The Party Boy

• is always present at all the parties and events he is invited to

• has a social calendar that is pretty much filled up

• is sophisticated

• must have caught the flu if he’s not out on a Saturday night

Nina Regalado, 21 –
"I like the social type of guy, someone who can carry himself verywell, and someone who has no problem carrying a conversation with different types of people, but his main attention must be on me lang. Of course, it would also be nice if he dresses well, which can show that he’s confident."

Chris Yam, 22 –
"I would choose someone who is kind of in the social scene, but can be laid-back once in awhile too because this creates a certain balance. I would like someone who can go out with me and my friends, but spend quality time with me and my family as well."

May-May Ang, 23 –
"I definitely want a guy who is laid-back but then he must also be very career-oriented and serious about life, because right now I think it is very important for someone to think of the future, and that it’s not just all about having fun anymore."

Paula Garcia, 18 –
"I want someone who loves chilling out– watches movies and enjoys dinner-outs. But I also want that guy to be cultured, meaning he’s adept with the arts, so we can have good conversations and enjoy each other’s company."

Isabelle De Venecia, 16 –
"The type of guy I would like to be with is someone who enjoys going to parties and who is into having fun, at the same time he must love the outdoors, because I love the beach. He must also show interest in my interest, which is fashion. It’s important that he dresses well."

Sasa Coronel, 25 –
"I want someone who enjoys going out, but at the same time also knows how to enjoy chilling out. Sometimes going out can get tiring and it would be nice if he can also enjoy his Saturday nights watching movies and having dinner out instead of the usual bar scenes. He has to know how to balance late-night gimmicks and his quality time with me."

Erica Paredes, 24 –
"I like guys who are both social and laid-back. Social in a way, because I also love going out and so it would be nice if the guy can go out and socialize with different types of people. Then when I feel like staying home lang, he can also hang out with me, or maybe we could go to a more intimate type of gimmick like poetry reading."

Cathy Azanza, 24 –
"I like a guy who is of course culturally inclined because I’m very interested in theater and I would want someone who is appreciative of the arts, like painting, because that would be a good conversation topic with me. Also, someone who is laid-back because I do not usually go for events or things like that. I’m more of a homebody, I like relaxing and being comfortable with that person."

Chia Yulo, 17 –
"I like the outdoorsy type because I’m pretty much into sports and stuff, so it would be great if we could do sports together."

Mia Cabalfin, 21 –
"I like a guy who is pretty much athletic and lives a sporty life. Physically, he must be lean but not totally muscular. Someone who likes the beach so we can do water sports, but at the same time I want someone who can enjoy quiet moments, because I’m not much of a party goer."

Kristine Gonzales, 17 –
"I prefer a guy who is simple. Meaning the ultimate boy-next-door type, more laid-back than gimmick, who enjoys watching movies, having dinners, and spending quality time with me."

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