Health Buff

Dear Chinggay

This summer, my friends and I are planning to go to the beach. I’m pretty sure it will be fun. Problem is, I recently discovered that all of my swimsuits don’t fit anymore. I’ve gained too much weight! I dread the thought of having to strut around with a big belly and huge thighs. How do I get into shape in time to hit the beach?

Ginny, 20

Dear Ginny:

First, enjoy the beach with or without the perfect swimsuit or body. It’s the company that counts and the memories you share with your friends. But when it comes to getting into shape, a couple of questions for you-- have you recently increased your food intake? Are you working out less these days? One more thing, how old are your swimsuits? If they date back as far as 5 years, then expect changes in your body. If you have indeed increased your food intake, you may want to cut back. Consider activities which involve the whole body running, step classes or even kickboxing. Of course, remember to consult an instructor or a personal trainer before pursuing any type of exercise. Before you know it, you’ll be hitting the beach worry free.

Dear Chinggay,

I have always been on the skinny side, which up until now has not been a problem. However, these past few months I noticed that I have been losing too much weight. My period has become very irregular and my skin has become blotchy. I’m probably just tired. Am I sick or something?

Kathy, 18

Dear Kathy,

An irregular menstrual cycle should be enough of a reason for you to consult a doctor. Furthermore, blotchy skin maybe the cause of your diet or possibly even stress. It’s quite difficult to determine the cause of your weight loss without knowing your daily regimen. Do you workout or have you increased the intensity of your workouts? Are you eating regularly? The best thing for you to do right now is to keep track of your daily regimen i.e. food intake, exercise routine. Then, consult a doctor pronto!

Dear Chinggay,

I’m seriously considering surgery to increase my bust size. I have consulted my friends and they seem to think that the whole idea is plain crazy and dangerous. I’m just wondering, what are some side effects of cosmetic surgery and is it really that life threatening as they say it is?

Bea, 23

Dear Bea,

I am not familiar with the side effects of cosmetic surgery. In this case, breast surgery. All I can say is before considering any type of surgery, read as much as you can on the procedure. Here are three questions for you, though. First, what made you consider increasing your bust size? Have you been thinking about this for a long time? Are you doing it for yourself or for someone else? You may want to talk to someone who has gone through such a procedure. In the end, you will decide what is best for you. Do keep in mind the consequences, risks and whatever the procedure will or can entail in the end.

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