Just got lucky

Some guys have all the luck. But when you’re Luis Manzano, you’re not only Lucky, you’re loaded with luck — literally and figuratively.

The son of two established actors, Vilma Santos and Edu Manzano, who both entered politics while maintaining their showbiz careers, Lucky inherited his father’s debonair looks and his mother’s charm. Recently, he was voted one of today’s sexiest bachelors by Cosmopolitan magazine.

Lucky Manzano became famous at an early age. Every week, at the end of VIP!, his mom’s popular TV show, Vilma would shout, "I love you, Lucky!" Although he had never appeared on TV, nor was he seen by viewers or fans, Vilma’s weekly tribute made Lucky the most popular showbiz kid.

Today, Lucky is 21 and finishing his Hotel and Restaurant Management course at the College of Saint-Benilde. Candid and funny, he happily agrees to this interview and answers questions in a straightforward manner.

We are at Chimara, a health food stop owned by friend and schoolmate JP Tanchanco at Greenbelt 3. Lucky is sipping a protein drink when his cell phone beeps. He excuses himself, checks the message and turns melancholy. "It’s lonely being single again," he says. "No one checks on you. No one asks if you’ve eaten. Oh well."

Lucky has just ended a much-publicized relationship with budding model-turned- actress Nancy Castiglione. Although he’s dating again, he hedges, "I’m not totally closing my doors on that relationship."

He reveals, "I love girls. I love everything about women. This doesn’t mean that I’m a playboy…"

Lucky Manzano talks about what turns him on and off, tells on mom Lipa Mayor Vilma Santos, talks about the special connection he has with dad Edu Manzano, clarifies his rumored "drug addiction," and explains why crazy may very well be his middle name.


Young STAR: Let’s talk about girls.

Lucky Manzano:
Ooh. My favorite topic.

What’s your type?

Physically, I’m a sucker for chinitas. Personality-wise, she’s gotta have a good sense of humor.

What would make you ask a girl out?

I guess the way she dances. When I’m out, I’m totally into dancing. When I meet someone who can dance and I can talk to, I think it’ll be hard for me not to ask that person out again.

Name women you find desirable.

Natalie Portman, Anna Kournikova, Ashley Judd and Mandy Moore who’s so cute. It’s a sin to be that cute.

If an older woman liked you and was willing to give you everything to give in to her carnal desires, would you consider?

For one night? Oh sheesh. Wait! I have to see what she looks like first. There are some older but very beautiful women. I don’t know how to answer that question [laughs]. Let’s just say I have to like her a little first before I even consider yielding to her desires [laughs].

What are your turn-offs?

Plastic people. Anyone who pretends to be someone he or she is not. And bad feet. Feet are my fetish. I wouldn’t want to go out with someone with dirty toes.

What type of boyfriend are you?

I’m a very jealous boyfriend, but I believe in give-and-take. Since I’m seloso, the girl can be selosa, too.

What are you like when you’re in love?

Totally crazy. I don’t think have anything on my mind except the person I’m in love with. Everything I do or say has something to do with her. I’m a sucker for love. I am a love slave, a love-aholic.

Isn’t that scary?

It’s scary because you can’t expect that person to love you back the same way.

Have you been hurt?

I’ve definitely been hurt. You accept that you have to move on. You can’t cry about everything. You have to realize that there’s still a tomorrow.

Who do you confide in when it comes to love?

My parents. They’ve always been open with me about everything.

Are you open to having a relationship with someone in showbiz?

Of course. It doesn’t matter. Rich or poor. Young or old. Showbiz or non-showbiz. As long as we get along and we feel the same way about each other.

Have you ever gotten into trouble because of a girl?

Not really. If there’s someone I like and she already has a boyfriend, I don’t pursue her anymore. I believe in karma. Once she’s available, that’s when I make my move.

Do you approach women or is it vice-versa?

I don’t want to sound mayabang, but sometimes women do come up to me. They ask for a light, or ask for this and that. Sometimes I get diyahe. I’m not really the type to go up to a girl and ask for her phone number. I’d rather ask a common friend to introduce us.

When girls approach you, do they know who you are?

I guess some of them recognize me.

Does being Lucky Manzano help in getting to know more girls?

I don’t want to think that just because I have celebrities for parents, women will automatically find me attractive. I think I have my own unique qualities, just like the next guy.

Have you ever been turned down?

Of course, definitely. Even if media say you’re sexy, you have to realize that not everyone thinks so. There was one time when I courted someone. She turned me down because she didn’t want to be in the showbiz limelight. When a girl commits to me, she has to accept and understand that being in the public eye is part of the relationship.

Do you get annoyed with the situation?

I’ve lived with it for 21 years. I’m used to it. I know what to expect. I don’t really care what other people say.

Do your friends in school tease you even if you’re not directly in showbiz?

I don’t think mawawala ‘yon. I don’t think there would ever be a time when people could separate me from "I love you, Lucky!" which my Mom used to say on TV. That’ll be with me forever.

Did "I love you, Lucky!" ever made you shy?

Oh my God! When I was a teenager, I asked my mom if she could stop saying "I love you, Lucky!" muna. She stopped naman. Eventually I accepted the fact that it’s part of me na. So when people say, "I love you, Lucky!" I answer, "I love you, too!" For instance, I went to a McDonald’s drive-thru and the girls there shouted at me, "I love you, Lucky!" So I waved back and smiled, "I love you, too!"

How’s your relationship with your mom?

I live with my mom. I see her every day. I confide in her. It’s different with my dad. We do guy stuff together. But I’m close to my mom.

What’s your mom like?

She’s not the pakialamera type. She’s there for me. She’ll give advice if I ask her but she won’t meddle. She ‘s not like, "Don’t go out with that girl. I don’t like her…blah, blah, blah." She gives typical advice, like "Ingat anak. Ayoko pang maging lola."

One time I watched Anak, and it was the first time I saw my mom’s movie in a cinema. It felt weird. People watching the movie were in awe of my mom’s acting. It was weird because I knew that when I got home, I’d see her in her favorite chair making putok bubble wrap. This is her favorite thing to do. I get to the door and I hear pak-pak-pak. I know she’s home. She’s simply my mom.

Do you get along with your Tito Ralph?

Of course. He’s cool. We’re cool.

How’s your relationship with your dad?

My dad is my buddy. I can call him for anything — to hang out, have a beer, play billiards, or talk to him about my problems. He’s like my best friend.

Was it difficult growing up with both parents in showbiz, and then eventually into politics?

I never had an issue with them about that. I never even had an issue with them when they separated. I was never one of those kids who couldn’t understand why his parents couldn’t be together. When I was a kid, they explained to me that they loved me, but they just couldn’t be together. I never had a problem with that, even now. I never hated them for separating or had any bad feelings because they’re separated. They made me understand. I respect that. They’re happy with their respective families and I’m happy because I love them.

What have you learned from your parents?

The importance of being grounded. I was born and raised in the showbiz limelight because of my parents. But they always emphasized that I eat what other people eat. I breathe what other people breathe. No matter how popular or rich a person is, we’re all human.

Tell us about your childhood.

I had a happy childhood. My most cherished moments were having dinner with my parents. Up to now, I enjoy being with them and being able to spend time with them. Was I spoiled? I don’t think so. I had to work — by getting good grades — for things I wanted. I was never a brat. If you bring me to a toy store and you get me one toy, I’m okay na. I didn’t need 10 toys just to be happy.

What do you do for fun?

I work out but when you think about it, working out is really not fun. It’s hard work. I go to the mall. I go scuba diving.

What do you spend money on?

My cell phone. I don’t spend money on cars or go on shopping sprees.

Describe your fashion style.

I’m into tight shirts. I feel comfortable in them. I like black or faded straight pants and sneakers.

Boxers or briefs?

Definitely boxers! A lot more air passes through [laughs]!

Describe yourself.

When people get to know the real me, they always say, "Hindi namin akalaing ganyan ka. Ang kulit mo pala. Ang tindi!" What you see is what you get. I’m game. I’m up for any dare. One time I ran across Boracay beach at nine in the morning, naked. Wala akong hiya. I’m crazy. You only live once so I want to try everything and have no regrets. I don’t want to look back and think, I wish I could have done this or that.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done?

I think the Boracay incident is pretty crazy. But each day is a chance to do something crazier.

What’s the best thing about you?

My kakulitan. I love making people smile or laugh. I love the idea of making someone’s day lighter especially if that person’s going through a bad day.

What’s the worst thing about you?

My kakulitan. I’m such a happy-go-lucky person, sometimes I don’t think of the repercussions of my actions. That’s what I want to do — set my priorities.

What are your goals?

One day, I want to run my own restaurant. I also want to have other businesses on the side. I want to be an all-around guy. It’s hard to say what I want to do because of the economy — it’s unpredictable!

What makes you sad?

Besides women breaking my heart? A lot of things. Watching the news on TV makes me sad. At the same time, it makes me feel thankful for everything I’ve got.

What makes you cry?

People think I’m a chick boy or a party animal. What they don’t know is that I have a sensitive side. If I get hurt, I cry. I don’t care who’s in front of me. Love, in general, makes me cry.

When was the last time you cried?

I guess it was when me and Nancy [Castiglione] were together.

But you’re still friends?

We’re good friends. I make it a point to be friends with anyone I’ve had a relationship with.

Do you see yourself in showbiz?

I don’t want to say no. If it comes, it comes; if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.

Do people ask for your autograph?

I still wonder why they do. I came out in the centerfold of a magazine, and some girls went up to me and asked for my autograph. I told them, "Bakit kayo nagpapa-autograph? Hindi naman ako artista." They insisted so I did.

Ready for the intrigues?

If I were ready, I’d be in showbiz already. So I guess, not yet.

There have been rumors about you being a bad boy, being a drug addict, etc.

So what’s new? People said I was in rehab. They said I was a drug dealer and I was on the NBI’s Most Wanted list. I’m not stupid. I know what’s going on out there. I’m not gonna say that I haven’t been exposed to that world. People will believe what they want to believe. Even if you tell them it’s not true, if they’re convinced, it’s hard to change their minds.

How did your parents react to these drug-related rumors?

It’s not the kind of thing a parent would want to hear about his or her son. They talked to me. I told them the truth. They believed me. There was a time I stopped going out for six months. All I did was work out and eat healthy. My only gimmick was a movie. Then the rumors started again. My mom got so upset. "’Yung anak ko nagpapakahirap sa gym at sa pag-diet, tapos sisiraan n’yo lang ng ganyan."

You’re under scrutiny all the time. So I just do what I want to do. Of course, I won’t do anything bad that would ruin my parents’ name, especially their opponents in politics. Pag nakahanap sila ng butas, papalakihin nila. I realize that people are watching me.

Do you see yourself in politics?

I don’t mind. I see my mom helping a lot of people. That’s something I want to do in the long run.

Do you talk politics at dinner?

Never. Dinner is quality time. It’s kuwentuhan. There are no serious topics at the dinner table.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I used to like trance and techno. I still do.

What type of movies do you enjoy?

I like investigative films. My favorite is Interview With A Vampire. I like the book and the movie. Recently, I watched this girl flick A Walk To Remember. I enjoyed that, too. Maybe because of Mandy Moore.

Your favorite cuisine?

Definitely Mexican! I love chili con carne and burritos.

Do you cook?

I do. My specialty is shrimp in lemon butter sauce.

Since you cook, does your ideal girl have to know how to cook?

Not really. I’ll do the cooking. I’ll even bake her cookies.

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