Looking Sporty, Looking Good (Part 4)

MARCO BENITEZ (Basketball Player)

Marco Benitez had a dream once, and that’s to be the best basketball player. Now after 14 years, his dream has become reality. How? By working his butt off, double time.

If you’re an avid basketball fan, you’d know what I’m talking about. Marco Benitez has a dual personality, both seen on the courts. Plus, a Masteral student of Management Engineering over the entire year. Crazy? No, he’s just living his dream.

To balance his work and his play is a craft that took all his college years to master. "What I usually do is make use of even the breaks in between the periods, so instead of waiting to get home for home works, I just do it in school and use the rest of my time for training." And just when you thought he lets it hang loose all summer, he admits spending all three months of it on practice. That’s practically everyday.

Suffice it to say that his teams have become his social life, and his steamiest hang-out place, the locker room. "We usually catch up on things when we’re inside the locker room. We talk about the latest rubber shoes, movies, weekend destinations and all." And dates, perhaps? "You know what, I have been so busy with basketball that I haven’t really found the time to date." So now you know what to blame.

That same locker room also bore witness to the drama that was the defeat of Marco and the rest of the Blue Eagles to La Salle last conference. "We felt terrible. A lot of us were crying inside the locker room. Some of us have been in the team for three years already and everyday, that’s what we go to practice for, so when you get that close and lose, it gets pretty frustrating." But instead of quitting and having his unrestricted life back, he decided to stick it out, hopefully for the team’s first championship in 14 years. "We still believe. We’re not giving up even if we haven’t won a championship for a long time. There is still the next conference and we believe that we could do it."

And in Marco’s tradition of dreaming, that’s not really far from happening. And when it does, it’s only fair for his wish to have come true. Come on, the girls are getting bored waiting!

What’s your greatest achievement as an athlete?

I guess it’s making the UAAP team of Ateneo and reaching the finals last year.

What motto do you live by?

Live the dream.

What makes an athlete?

Hard work, perseverance, and following your dream.

What breaks an athlete?

Over-confidence, unhealthy lifestyle, and tons of excuses.

What’s your main motivation?

I want to be the best I could possibly be and not to waste this blessing that I have.

What have you learned most from the sport?

I learned that there are no shortcuts in life, that there is no substitute for hard work, and that you should never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do.

What are the things you prioritize more than your sport?

Family, studies, and God.

What’s your break from all the stress and strain?

Even though it’s break from training, I really don’t stay far away from the healthy lifestyle of the sport. I just watch movies and hang out with my family and friends.

When’s the finish line for you?

When I’ve stopped dreaming.

How would you encourage others to get into sports?

I guess my actions should speak for itself. I’ll show them how fun it is and how much I love playing. I can’t think of any other way.

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