I could have easily decided to kick back and relax on the premise of preparing my system for all that merri-mental madness the Holiday Season tends to bring.

Yeah, right!

No matter. I spared myself the hassle of that pre-Christmas rush—mall and tiangge wide—by keeping with the nocturnal swing of things. It turned out to be more than a swell idea…got yet another fill of those super enjoyable, borderline irresponsible, "I-shouldn’t-have-had-those-last-three-drinks" nights.

Hell, I’m only young once, right?

Destination # 1
Battle on the Catwalk!
MTV Fashionista Party

9:32 p.m.

All that pre-competition tension was in the air (not to mention lots of pretentious small talk in the event’s receiving area). I was appeased to note that the show was to start soon as the entire Propaganda team—looking like they just braved Vietnam in ’69—was on their way out from a whole day of pretty-fying the 20 finalists. Job well done, guys!

10:58 p.m.

While having a blast chatting with some friends at the back (SRO, plus I wasn’t a sponsor…didn’t get preferred seats), I noticed finalist 2tay giving a "peace out, brother" move to her cheering squadron that took up a good 50% of the venue.

11:15 p.m.

Yup 2tay won! And so did this hunk-of-a-guy, Erie. Deserving!

Destination # 2
The Night of the Scorpion!
Zodiac Party at Dish, Rockwell

0:01 p.m.

Okay, so I was one of the celebrants. Hoping the night was simply going to be one of good booze and great friends, I was totally thrown off when called on stage to play some funnily kinky game that won me nothing but a few laughs and a semi-bruised ego.

11:45 p.m.

Decided to let go of all pending life worries and just enjoy the fact I turned a year older (hopefully wiser)…and appreciate that the people who meant so much to me were there to make the night so much more superb.

Destination # 3
Tabu’s 2nd Collection Fashion Show at Dish, Rockwell

8:45 p.m.

I show up for my duty at the registration desk as the aggressive "raffle ticket" saleslady…I was so ready to show extra cleavage for the Chosen Children cause! Not too much, though…

9:56 p.m.

Still at it with the bloody tickets! Had to inch my way through the ogling crowd as the fashion show was in full swing. Everyone was enthralled by the breasts…I mean the suits! (Troy’s suit didn’t look half bad…would have loved to see him in a more, um, beachy, pseudo-naked getup.)

10:22 p.m.

The raffle winners went away more than satisfied (and for the Nth time Francis, I didn’t fix it for you to win the grand prize!) while majority went home with slight regret for not giving P100 for a worthy cause…and a possible great prize. Hate to say "I told you so…" but you should’ve bought a damn raffle ticket!

Destination # 4
The Return of Lord Van Dyk!
NBK presents Paul Van Dyk, Casino Filipino

11:57 p.m.

As DJ Manolet Dario took center stage to begin the festivities, the antsy crowd settled into an intrigued yet excited pool of progressive house enthusiasts. Reminiscent of the "old rave" days, light sticks and other party favors graced the casino.

1:42 a.m.

Lord Van Dyk took to the spinner’s booth and wowed the packed joint with his set that was something new and enthralling…yet still innately Van Dyk. Hats off, man!

4:30 a.m.

Yes, all good things come to an end eventually. The sea of dancers, vegetables, speed freaks, drunkards, and wannabes were begging for more—but hey, the guy had to go get some breakfast…

10:01 p.m.

Okay, so I was one of the celebrants. Hoping the night was simply going to be one of good booze and great friends, I was totally thrown off when called on stage to play some funnily kinky game that won me nothing but a few laughs and a semi-bruised ego.

11:45 p.m.

Decided to let go of all pending life worries and just enjoy the fact I turned a year older (hopefully wiser)…and appreciate that the people who meant so much to me were there to make the night so much more superb.

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