Just when I was ready to succumb to the sad truth that Manila was a city thoroughly lacking in cultural recreation…

All I needed was two weeks or so worth of night-site investigation.

With my all-time "flavorite" Vodka-Cranberry at hand (three of these babies can transform the most humdrum of hang-outs into awesome never-never lands), and a few reliable reinforcements (a.k.a. members of my "soul sister" crew)…I was more than ready to re-discover the, um, richness of being a citizen of this peculiar town.

Too bad you have to be a nocturnal to relish in it, as culture (different kinds at that…and I don’t mean curdling bacteria) creeps out of the pipe works come happy hour…until it runs and hides at the onset of dawn.

Behold…my trip around the world in nine days (or nights).
Destination # 1–Where Else (Lon-Don), NBK presents world-class British DJ Danny Howell
July 13, Friday
11:55 p.m.–Spotted an amazingly uncoordinated elderly gent "grooving" with eight young starlet wannabes. What a stud! He then went to quench his thirst with a warm glass of milk.

2:22 a.m.–The Howell man’s charisma enveloped the place. Enough for me to lose track of where my camera went. My work for the night straight into the pocket of someone Luis silently put a curse on.
Destination # 2–Craic (Ireland), Trivia Night
July 18, Wednesday
6:15 p.m.–Made sure to keep my alcohol to a minimum…I was assigned by my trivia group to be the runner for the night (as in run around and have a peek at other people’s answers when we didn’t have them).

8:45pm–Breezed through the entertainment portion. Professional acronyms wasn’t the gang’s strong point though. (As it turned out, the whole pub shared the same waterloo).

9:30pm–The winners received their free keg of beer. We were so far behind, we didn’t even deserve a sip. Better luck next time.
Destination # 3–Dish (A Taste of Asia), Formal Opening
July 19, Thursday
9:36 p.m.–A very loving and unabashed mother introduces herself and her slightly embarrassed (yet secretly tickled pink) son to models Amanda Griffin and Anna Shier. The mama’s boy then poses in between them for a single memento…a picture that will grace every inch of their house. (I would have my mother’s head).

11:00pm–My friend EJ… you outdid yourself, as usual. Kudos! Had to escape though…my claustrophobia couldn’t handle it.
Destination # 5 –Po Na Na (Ibiza), MTV/ Sauza Zaz Bash
July 21, Saturday
11:35 p.m.–Not wanting to leave Mano all by his lonesome self, my buds and I created our own dance floor by the DJ booth. Not like any more heat needed to be generated…the guy still rocks.

12:50 a.m.–Still dancing like fools outside, as the place was just too packed to even manage a trip to the bathroom. No matter. I still managed to have a blast with my crew. As I always do

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