How Many Ways Can You Use a Bed?

I thought I’d take a break from more “serious” posts here and come up with a post that I hope most, if not all of you can relate to. (I’m sure those of you who have kids can!)

Did you ever stop to think that there are lots of things you can do with a bed, besides sleep on it?

These past weeks with a new baby have led me to discover the following uses for a bed (let’s see if you identify with any of them — feel free to let me know, too, by sending an email to or tweet @tinasrodriguez):

1.         As a "bookshelf”

We have a lot of books in our house, mostly because my husband and I have agreed that books are one of the best investments for our kids. Since we home school, reading books is also one way we teach our children about certain things. For example, I don’t use science textbooks but children’s books (fiction and non-fiction) to teach science concepts.

Because of the many books we have — mostly bought pre-loved at either Booksale or — there is hardly any space left on our bookshelf. So many of the books end up on our bed! (Some also end up under it, in plastic tray! Ha, ha!)

The upside of this is it’s easier to whip out a book when it’s read-aloud time (usually in the morning or at bedtime).  Makes things a lot easier for this tired mama!

2.         As a "house”

Prior to the arrival of our new baby, we bought a double-deck bed, which is now located next to our old queen-sized bed. Since we practice co-sleeping, we figured all five of us wouldn’t be able to fit in our old bed. So now, the arrangement is: Mama, baby and big sister on the old bed, and Papa and big brother on the lower portion of the bunk bed.

The upper bunk lately has become a “deposit area” for lots of blankets, which the two older kids use to convert the bunk bed into a “house.” So on most afternoons, you’ll find them inside their house, playing pleasantly together or arguing over who gets which space on the bed… err, house!

3.         As a "breastfeeding station”

Our bed is also the main place where I nurse our two-month-old baby. I nurse her sitting down and side-lying, on demand. It’s still more comfortable than the sofa or a chair!

4.         As a "learning center”

Even before I was put on bed rest prior to our baby being born, we’ve done most of our homeschooling “in bed.” We don’t have a separate “school room,” and there isn’t much space in our humble apartment for a separate learning area for the kids either. Besides, it’s much easier to teach them when we’re on the bed — I can nurse the baby while doing so!

5.         As a "toy box”

No matter how hard we try to clear the bed of the kids’ stuff, there are almost always a few toys lying down somewhere on the bed. Thankfully, there’s the upper portion of a bunk bed now, which has become a place for toys (and blankets! See no. 2 in this list.) that have not yet found their way back to their places of origin.

Of course, besides sleeping and all these uses mentioned above, there are other uses for a bed — like quality time between spouses (if you know what I mean!) and pillow fights and friendly wrestling matches (our kids love having these with their Papa). Oh, and let me add one more use: as a workstation while everyone else is asleep! (Yes, that’s how I get posts like these done!)

How about you? What are the cool, fun ways you use your bed?

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