Running in costume

With costume races coming just around the corner, it's about time I decided what I want to wear. I've been looking at some ideas from other races all over the world, particularly the London Marathon and San Francisco Bay to Breakers. I can't believe some people can run in these outfits!

At least nobody will drown.

Of course, even just a fanciful headdress or mask worn along with regular running gear is already considered a costume, but I think if I'm going to do that, might as well go all the way! Here are some issues to consider when wearing a full costume:

Comfort and range of movement. Any costume worn during a race should allow the legs to move freely. Oh, and the arms too, because you do need to allow the natural arm swing to happen. Otherwise it could be a very slow run and you run the risk of chafing.

Weight and aerodynamics. That medieval knight costume might be the subject of your fantasy, but done in real metal it could weigh you down. If you want to enjoy both your costume and your run, make it as light you possibly can. And if you're going to wear large wings on your back, just be aware they will definitely cause drag.

Heat and sweat. The Philippines is a tropical country, and being swathed in layers of costume clothing could turn out to be very warm. Additionally, you sweat when running, so that additional moisture could cause paint to run.

Durability. A costume needs to be durable enough to go the distance. Nobody wants a wardrobe malfunction halfway through.

Self-consciousness. Showing skin in a bikini or wearing a spandex superhero costume will definitely draw attention, but if you feel self-conscious having it all hang out, better steer clear of those kinds of costumes.

As with regular running gear, comfort is still the most important consideration. So, what are you going to wear?

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