Exclusive: Ruffa Gutierrez spotted on a date with young foreign hottie

Thanks to philstar.com, yours truly was able to watch the Miley Cyrus concert at the VIP section of the Mall of Asia Concert Grounds last June 17. As expected, the VIP section was filled with celebrities ranging from the A-list to the D-list. As much as the concert itself, Pinoy Gossip Boy enjoyed watching the crowd consisting of stars, starlets, and star-wanna-be’s.

It seems like Pinoy Gossip Boy hit the jackpot when I spotted beauty-queen-turned-actress-TV host Ruffa Gutierrez a few rows to my back. As the former Miss World runner-up watched the Miley Cyrus concert with her two lovely daughters from former husband Ylmaz Bektas, Pinoy Gossip Boy cannot help but notice that the former beauty queen is with company, and I am not talking about the nanny.

Paparazzi-style, sans the pro camera though, with only a Blackberry in hand, I snapped a few photos of Ruffa Gutierrez with her mysterious date, a young foreign hottie. And yes, when I said hottie, I really meant it.

Many thought that Ruffa Gutierrez would live the life of a princess someday, and true enough, she did when she married the wealthy Ylmaz Bektas. But unlike the usual ending in most fairy tales, Ruffa’s true-to-life fairy tale ended in a divorce.

It had been years since the much controversial break-up of the Turkey-based couple, and Ruffa had been linked to innumerable men here in Manila. Her potential romance was held in public scrutiny as if it were of national interest. But perhaps it is the public’s interest on whether this mother of two grade-schoolers could nab another prince charming to finally write her “happily ever after” fairy tale is what made her love story socially relevant.

Many thought that Ruffa Gutierrez would live the life of a princess someday, and true enough, she did when she married the wealthy Ylmaz Bektas. But unlike the usual ending in most fairy tales, Ruffa’s true-to-life fairy tale ended in a divorce.

It had been years since the much controversial break-up of the Turkey-based couple, and Ruffa had been linked to innumerable men here in Manila. Her potential romance was held in public scrutiny as if it were of national interest. But perhaps it is the public’s interest on whether this mother of two grade-schoolers could nab another prince charming to finally write her “happily ever after” fairy tale is what made her love story socially relevant.

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