Immerse in rich medieval culture in Bologna

MANILA, Philippines - Known as Italy’s university town since 1088 and blessed with a coastal climate courtesy of the Adriatic Sea, Bologna in Italy is the perfect destination for those who want to soak up Italian history, architecture, culture and cuisine. And starting Nov. 3, Bologna’s rich culture will be within reach as Emirates is set to launch daily flights to the wealthy Italian city.

Bologna is the capital of the Emilia Romagna region in the north. It is home to numerous prestigious cultural, economic and political institutions, as well as one of the most impressive fair districts in Europe. Its position as a cultural depot was strengthened in 2000 when Bologna was declared the European Capital of Culture. In 2006, UNESCO also gave it the City of Music distinction.

With a wide range of choices for activities, the best way to experience Bologna is to look to its heritage. Piazza Maggiore is something that you cannot miss. A walk to the piazza by way of Via Indipendenza guarantees a feast for your eyes as the route shows you the city’s characteristic porticos.

Originally built in the 13th century, the piazza retains much of its medieval charm while also making room for many modern establishments and conveniences. It is packed with restaurants, gelaterias and all sorts of shops that will surely occupy a whole afternoon.

Another site you mustn’t miss is Sala Borsa, Bologna’s public library. One of its unique features are the glass floors that reveal ancient Etruscan ruins discovered while the building was being constructed.

Next, admire the gothic Basilica di San Petronio which is hailed as the seventh biggest church in Europe.

Get your dose of Italian art at the Morandi Museum, located near the Basilica. It is dedicated to the works of Bolognese painter Giorgio Morandi, known for his still life paintings.

Cap off your stroll with a visit at the Fountain of Neptune, located at the neighboring Piazza del Nettuno. Legend has it that walking around Neptune’s statue – with the four lactating Nereids at the bottom – twice gives students luck in exams.

Go deeper into Italy’s medieval past when you visit Le Due Torri or the Towers of Bologna. The towers – Garisenda and Asinelli – were constructed between the 12th and the 13th centuries. It is widely believed that the two most powerful families in the city had them built to prove which was the most powerful. For a fee, you can climb the winding staircase of Asinelli and bask in the breathtaking view of the city, one that many powerful families of the past have also enjoyed.

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