Wear your (country) code!

MANILA, Philippines - One thing our travels have taught us: remembering zip and country codes. It may seem trivial but it does prove useful when sending out postcards and making long distance calls. Which brings us to the question: do you know the Philippines’ country code?

If you had to pause and think about it, chances are, you need a reminder. For the record, the Philippine country code is “+63.”

The apparel brand My Philippines has found a way to make you remember your country code by having you wear it.

For 2010, My Philippines has launched “+63” as its newest symbol. The logo is accompanied by the rising sun and star in gold and silver — a way to symbolize the country’s brighter future.

My Philippines owner Brian Dy says, “We created the ‘+63’ logo this year specifically for the May 2010 elections. We realized that its essence goes beyond the voting process. It now represents the Filipinos’ call for positive change.”

“This is also our way of celebrating our renewed sense of nationalism,” Dy continues. “This year’s elections have a hopeful tone. The ‘+63’ icon on our shirts hopes to reflect that optimism and excitement for our future.”

Thus the “+63” logo is embroidered on My Philippines polo shirts, available in black, green, pink, brown, gray, purple, and mint. Soon “+63” will be found on jackets, bags, caps, and other souvenir apparel under the brand.

Portions of all sales from these items go to the He Cares Foundation, an orphanage and shelter for street children.

Currently the number one “Pinoy Lifestyle” brand in terms of market scope, customer base, and sales, My Philippines is found in all SM Department Stores and Kultura branches nationwide.

“The ‘+63’ shirt is also a great way to show off your Pinoy pride. Everywhere you go, you see a growing number of Filipinos proudly wearing their country in their shirts. This is what My Philippines apparel is all about. So the next time you go traveling around the country, it always feels good to know that you are what you wear.”

And that gives you no more reason to forget your country code.

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