Bencab leaves a lasting impression in Singapore

In May of last year, my kabalen, the iconic Benedicto Cabrera, more popularly known as Bencab to his legions of fans, was invited by the Singapore Tyler Print Institute for a one-month artist-in-residence program. The culmination of this stay was a one-man exhibition that opened last February 3, aptly titled "Impressions," with NCCA Chair Ambeth Ocampo (another kabalen) giving the opening remarks. And like all of Bencab’s past exhibitions, it was sold out even before its opening. In fact, there wasd one work still in progress during the residency, price still undetermined, sold to an avid collector from Manila.

The STPI is a non-profit organization dedicated to education and the advancement of print and paper making, and the creative development of artists. It was conceived by master printer and publisher Kenneth E. Tyler, with facilities that include a printmaking workshop, a paper mill and an art gallery.

STPI’s Visiting Artists Program (VAP) is the core activity of the Institute’s publishing and educational efforts. Contemporary artists are invited to collaborate with STPI’s professional team of printers and papermakers to create and publish limited-edition fine-art prints and unique experimental print and paper forms utilizing lithography, intaglio, relief printing, screen printing and papermaking. The first Filipino recipient was the late Pacita Abad in November 2003. Next in line is the venerable Anita Magsaysay Ho, although due to her age, an STPI master printer will make an exception to come to Manila and work with the artist.

The present exhibition is a visual feast of exploding colors and movement, an attribution to Bencab’s constant dedication to his craft and ingenuity, as well as the possibilities afforded by the technical support of the STPI. Not the type to be content to sit on his laurels, he continues to take risks and explores the limits of his artistic capabilities, keeping him in constant artistic fervor.

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