The future is ours

MANILA, Philippines - We tend to associate new years with new beginnings, fresh starts, and second chances. Of course, new years don’t really bring new beginnings, fresh starts, and second chances. Dec. 31, 2013 and Jan. 1, 2014 are just dates — the stars haven’t realigned, the universe hasn’t shifted, and we’re members of the same human race we’ve always been part of.

But see, it’s not about what new years can bring us. Know that at every change, every new struggle, and every new journey isn’t caused by the changing of dates, the realignment of the stars, or the shifting of the universe. They’re caused by seeds we plant within ourselves. We create our new beginnings.

So, this 2014, remember that this season isn’t the only time for seeking fresh starts. If we treat every single day as Jan. 1, we can resolve to embark on something new with every sunrise, and be determined to make ourselves better people by the time the sun sets.

This is why, in this issue, we’re running down our resolutions for the year 2014. It isn’t a celebration of the new year as much as it is a celebration of a new us — a look at the kind of Philippines we can be in the coming months.

For brighter futures and better tomorrows, stay
Supreme!          — Pepe Diokno

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