Hold tight for Colour Coding

MANILA, Philippines - To branch out from a well-known act that you’ve been known for is a huge risk, one that cousins Tim Commandeur and Chris Holland decided to take. Their band, Operator Please, has countless awards and has operated under a formidable mainstream label. While the band is on hiatus, Tim and Chris sneaked out of their duties to form Colour Coding, a dreamy, pop act that shimmers and shines under the summer sun.

“We decided to just get on our own thing,” Chris recalls. Their music, which stemmed from bedroom sounds that Chris would write, is a completely different being from the raw, pulsing nature of Operator Please. Last year, they released their deubt EP Proof to Internet fanfare, one that will bring them soon to the shores of Manila during this year’s Wanderland Music and Arts Festival.

Supreme talks with Chris Holland, one-half of the Australian duo about stepping out on their own and performing in one of Manila’s hottest summer events.

SUPREME: Does Colour Coding’s presence mean that you’re leaving Operator Please behind?

CHRIS HOLLAND: No, we’re just taking a break and we’re doing individual things. We’re not sure as to what the future holds, really.

S: Was it hard to distance Colour Coding from where you’ve established yourself in Operator Please?

CH: Not necessarily, I think we’ve kind of developed our own identity. Also, I think it boils down to Amanda, the singer of Operator Please. She is trying to hold a different sound. We’re trying to take it a bit as stylized as possible from that sound and build something different.

S: How about the fans’ initial reactions when you guys were starting out?

It’s pretty cool that some of them came over to enjoy the music. But obviously, there are very loyal Operator Please fans that just wanted more Operator Please music. For the most part, everyone’s been good, and they came along from being Operator Please fans to Colour Coding fans.

S: How was the process of recording your debut EP?

CH: It kinda grew in my bedroom, the songs. And we eventually decided that we had five good songs that we wanted to put on the EP. I’d play bass on some tracks, and Tim would play some tracks. We all play, well, just the two of us, we would play whatever we wanted. We didn’t bring anyone else in, so that was good.

S: Being cousins and all and working together in another band must’ve made your collaboration fluid?

CH: I think it is. We seem to bounce off each other pretty well. Just because we are cousins, we can say if we don’t like something and no one would get offended. Whereas in other bands, sometimes you’ve got to tread carefully with what you say.

S: Who does what in the process of recording?

CH: Lyrics tend to be all mine because I’m the one singing them. For the rest of them, it’s a combined effort, really. We were at different sections of the song together, or I might do it differently. It’s a combined effort.

S: Would this be your first time performing in the Philippines?

CH: Yes, it is. It’s quite exciting how that came about — getting fans in the Philippines. To actually go out and travel and play shows is incredibly exciting. I really can’t wait.

S: Do you get to travel around while you’re here?

CH: We’ve actually got quite a tight schedule flying in and out, but we’re gonna try and cram in as much as possible while we’re there. We’ve got to fly out after the festival. I’ve got to get back to Sydney for a university thing. I’m studying nursing right now. Trying to juggle school and other activities. Tim, however, works in retail.

S: What does it take to manage a music career and become a nurse?

CH: It’s quite difficult, but it’s a good challenge. It’s a good balance because you get to be more organized. You prioritize things that need to be done. I find that being busy pushes out the time to get the songs out of it. I have to cherish the time when I am song writing because I don’t get a lot of it.

S: You’re playing with a lot of acts, including a few local acts from the Philippines, which ones are you excited to play alongside with?

CH: We’re huge Temper Trap fans. We’ve played festivals when we were in Operator Please but not for Colour Coding.  It would be great to see them play again. I’m actually excited to play with Neon Trees and Nada Surf. I haven’t heard anything from the Philippines, but I’m excited to check them out!

S: How are you going to follow-up your EP?

CH: A full length is a little while away, but we’ve got two new songs released at the moment. They’re getting mixed as we speak. They should be out pretty soon. Just in time for Wanderland. I’m extremely excited about it.

S: What are your favorite things to do during summer?

CH: We go to the beach. Really hang out in the beach and surf around. That and summer music festivals!

S: Any tips for first-time music festival goers?

CH: Drink lots of water, I’d say! Plan your day so that you’re not wandering aimlessly all day. That’s about it! We’d like to see more of you as possible when we come out and play. It’s a fun set, we’ve got a bass player coming up as well. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

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