Hardcourt hearthrob

MANILA, Philippines - This February, we at Supreme lovingly offer you our Valentine’s present, and we hope you don’t mind that we forgot to wrap him in a shirt. Italian is the flavor of the month, and 23-year-old Chris Banchero seems to know exactly how to pique our interest and leave us guessing. Frankly, we don’t mind the contemplation (and the resulting stimulation). An elite point guard for the San Miguel Beermen, Chris averaged 12.7 points and 6.6 assists in his 11 games with the Beermen in 2012. If that last sentence went over your head, we understand.

While the San Miguel scouts deserve credit for shipping him over here from the States, we have Publicity Asia to thank for bringing his yumminess to the limelight. Different agencies for different interests. Some of us want to see him play and some of us would love to play.

We took advantage of a relaxed and romantic afternoon with Chris to ask him about basketball, his V-Day plans (he’ll be working; such dedication), and how he goes about winning a woman over. Enjoy.

SUPREME: You grew up and studied in Seattle. What made you decide to come to Manila?

CHRIS BANCHERO: I was scouted to play for San Miguel Beermen in the Philippines while I was in college basketball in America. I was raised in Seattle by a Filipino mother and an Italian father. I came to Manila because of the opportunity that presented itself and, hey, the Philippines is basketball country.

Tell us about your family life growing up.

I have incredible parents. I was raised by a Filipino mother and grandmother because my dad worked so much. I have one younger brother. I owe everything to my family.

What got you into basketball? How’d you start and train?

Ever since I could remember I had a basketball in my hand. My family has always loved basketball so the sport kinda just stuck.

When you’re not on the court, what else are you usually up to?

I train most of the time with San Miguel. On free days I hang with the other SMB imports and fellow team mates. In the next few weeks/months I will be busy with shoots, interviews and all.

Tell us one quirky thing about yourself. Okay, maybe two.

Quirky as in weird? I dunno, guess you’ll all find out sooner or later.

Obviously, you’re someone who can easily get away with being a player. Are you a player? 

I am not a player unless we’re talking professional basketball!

Did you answer the previous question honestly?

Do you think I did?

Are you single? What are your Valentine’s plans?

Yes, I am single. I have a game on Valentine’s Day in Thailand, so the plan is to win it.

Italian men have a reputation for making women feel very interesting and desirable. Would you say this is a trait you inherited?

(Laughing) My publicist says she took me on because I am Italian. She thinks Italians are more interesting than the English.

We get that you’re good-looking, but how do you really go about winning someone over?

By being a gentleman — a responsible and respectable one at that.

Do you give a good conversation?

Of course. I try my best.

You’ve been playing with the San Miguel Beermen for five months now. How long do you plan to stay in Manila? Or are we in danger of losing you to other places?

No, I’ll be in Manila forever, yeah! This is my second season as a San Miguel Beerman, and so far I am happy.

Aside from wowing the sports scene with your point guard skills, how else do you plan to grace our country? What can we watch out for?

I recently inked a representation agreement with PR Asia Worldwide. They have done all these high-profile, fantastic campaigns, and I love their work. I can’t wait to do more in the Philippines and outside the country as well. This is a fantastic opportunity and I hope all the basketball fans out there will support me.

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Tweet the author @catedeleon.

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