A for anarchy

No wonder God put order in the world. Law and order in place, or else chaos will ensue. Freedom? Quite overrated.

I only say this because I was right smack center of the biggest cops and robbers game which rocked both social media and social scenes the past few weeks. The hash tag #AxeAnarchyManila was constantly on everyone’s timelines, with each tweet and status message getting people ready for what seemed like...a war. A war of the sexes I meant. 

One by one, the country’s most sought after, the sexiest and the hottest were raising their right hand to take part in the man-ifesto that was Axe Anarchy Manila. This was gonna be the biggest “touch taya” that this country has ever seen. I thought it was that simple, but it wasn’t~which added to my surprise and excitement.

Marc Nelson rappels down to the crow.

At the Eastwood Central Park, I was in the referee’s corner with Unilever’s power woman Nikki Abella, making snide remarks and inquiries with Gem Laforteza and Raf Hechanova, the dashing heartthrobs that make up Team Axe. They were launching their latest scent, Anarchy for men AND for women, too. Yes, Axe has spent a lifetime pampering the men, trying to know what women want and how to give it to the men. Goes without saying they also know the way to women’s hearts...and noses.

The Battle Royale started when the men were gathered apart from the women. The women made themselves up in their pampered powder rooms situated at the Eastwood complex. The boys were then herded in another area, and then they were...handcuffed. Fetish much? More fun, if you ask me.

Then during sunset, all of them were gathered at the Eastwood Central Park where pre-games were held and then as starting climax, Marc Nelson and Ramon Bautista repelled off a tower to host the night’s festivities. Gungho girls to the rig, handcuffed guys to the right. The goal was to find your match, via codes found within the inside of the guys’ shirts. Hide and seek, find your match, scratch and sniff? All of the above and more. 

The women play cops while the men are the robbers.

Lots of running on both sides. Some guys took it easy (or was it took advantage?) even took it off as the girls, playing cops, searched their bodies for the code that matched. The prize for the winning code? P1M each for both cop and robber. Not bad at all, for playing a kiddie game gone adult.

After about an hour of running after each other and finding their matches, Ashley Rivera, better known in Facebook and YouTube  video circles as Petra Mahalimuyak found her match in Eric Losloso, a very lucky man. I was there in the verification room to check if indeed they were the match made in Axe heaven. And indeed they were! GMA7 rising star Diva Montelaba and her partner came in second. And if I were given the authority, I would award Divine Lee for wearing five-inch heels for this “running” event.

Post party and awarding happened right after, with all the cops and robbers bonding over a sumptuous Chinoiserie lauriat at HK Choi resto right above the event grounds. All in the spirit of good fun. Sweat plus the sweet smell of Anarchy in one room equals a recipe for...wink, wink.

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(Tweet me your best pick up lines at twitter.com/officialTIMYAP. Live event coverage happening on my Instagram officialtimyap, so follow me!)

The winners of the P1M prize

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