How do you de-stress during traffic?

Traffic in Manila has become a big problem for everyone. It’s the feeling of not being in control of your time and not knowing how long it will take to reach your destination that makes it very frustrating for many. While we patiently wait for government to find the right solution to the traffic problem, we Filipinos always find a way to humor ourselves and make the most of our time wherever we are and whatever situation we are in.

Read on as some personalities share with us how the de-stress during traffic.

MTRCB chair Eugenio “Toto” Villarreal

In a recollection, the priest advised us to pray for the people we see during traffic — drivers, passengers of other vehicles and commuters.  When you look at them, you know that they have their own concerns, challenges and struggles.  That is what I try to do.  It allows one to get out of one’s self, which accounts for the stress, and look out for the others.  Many times, I also do the rosary and when not driving read a portion from the gospels or some spiritual book.  Also, when I’m a passenger, I catch up on email or any pending work.

Mario Katigbak, GM, Bulgari and Hermes

I am very lucky as I live three blocks away from my place of work  so I walk home.

Gretchen Fullido, TV personality

I turn the radio/music up to pass the time. I sing in the car to amuse myself! I always have snacks in the car so I can munch on it when I’m hungry. I also try to meditate, plan for my future stories and reports and think of work I need to get done.

Rowena Tomeldan, Ayala Land VO and head of operations of Commercial Business Group

During the daily one to two-hour traffic I go through from the office to my home, I pray my novenas and the rosary, check on my kids, answer my emails, call my friends and sleep  (if I’m really tired).

Malu Fernandez, SM senior marketing manager

Everyone has an emergency stash of water and something to munch on in case of traffic. As for me I learned my lesson two weeks ago during that horrific traffic Armageddon the whole Manila experienced.  Now I never leave home without skincare products. The last time traffic hit I refused to check into a hotel near the office because I didn’t have access to my Ponds cold cream. You can always check into a hotel and get your clothes laundered, but washing your face with regular soap is a big no-no. So now I’m prepared for the next Armageddon! My car is now stocked with my favorite Ponds products and a change of clothes. Hopefully Pizza Hut can deliver to my car too!

Luchi Cruz Valdez, head, News and Public Affairs Department -TV5

Coloring books is a childhood hobby I picked up again when I went to the States last May. I did it while on a long drive, a flight, or while waiting out a layover. I never imagined I could do it on Manila roads because the roads here are bumpy, right? But thanks (or no thanks!) to the traffic, the 30-40 minute of near standstill now lets me do it.

Rep. Lani Mercado Revilla, 2nd district of Cavite

On a regular working day, it  usually takes me two hours going to Congress and another two hours going back home. I am blessed to have a driver who spares me from the stress of navigating through the traffic-infested streets of mega Manila. I make productive use of time, do paperwork make phone calls, check on my children, do emails and social media accounts. I also read the Bible and spiritual books.

Marilen Concepcion, Pilates instructor, B+B Studio

I’m lucky to have a driver that takes me to work and back home.  When we are caught in traffic, I catch up with emails that need to be answered, schedules that have to be fixed and calls that have to be made.  This makes me very productive in what otherwise would be a waste of time. A nap always does wonders.


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