Swatch Create! Innovate! Art Competition deadline nears

MANILA, Philippines - Submit as many entries as you want to the Create! Innovate! Art Competition co-presented by Swatch and the Embassy of Switzerland. The deadline for participation is Aug. 31.

The contest is open to anyone 18 to 30 years old. Those below 18 and above 30 are invited to submit entries to the special categories to qualify for special prizes.

The contest theme is “Create and innovate: Essence of Switzerland.” To join, do any or all of the following: 

• Create something new depicting Switzerland, taking inspiration from Swiss cheese, Swiss chocolates, Swiss private bank accounts, and Swiss watches, among other Swiss icons;

• Innovate by tweaking an old Swiss concept, image or product in your art work;

• Make something and add a touch of Swatch.

You may use any art medium, from painting to photography, from sculpture to mixed media-print, video and film, from graphic design to arts and crafts, including papier-mâché, pottery and paper tole, among other things. 

There will be four grand prizes. 

The Create category winner will receive a trip to Switzerland for one person for five days/four nights, inclusive of a round-trip ticket, hotel accommodations, and pocket money. 

The Innovate category winner receives a trip to Switzerland for one person for five days/four nights, inclusive of a round-trip ticket, hotel accommodations, and pocket money.

The Swatch category winner will receive P100,000 in cash.

The School category winner will receive P100,000 in cash. It will be awarded to the school that submits the most number of entries.

The top 20 finalists will each receive a Swatch commemorative watch.

Two Swatch Merit Awards will also be given out: a cash prize of P50,000 for the winner in the below-18 category and a cash prize of P50,000 for the winner in the above-30 category.

Entry forms are available at the Swatch & Swatch building at 918 Arnaiz Avenue, San Lorenzo Village, Makati City, and at all Swatch shops or online at

Each entry must be submitted with a completed and properly attached entry form by 8 p.m. of Aug. 31, to the Swatch & Swatch building at the above address or to any Swatch shop.

Swiss Cultural Fund-Philippines and Etihad Airways are minor sponsors of this contest.

For details, visit and

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