Why they loved Helena

MANILA, Philippines - When I became the editor in chief of Meg magazine back in April 2007, I was tasked to find the perfect cover girl that was representative of the new Meg. She had to, of course, be beautiful, smart, full of potential, hip and, most importantly, friendly. I didn’t have to look any further because when I thought of these characteristics I instantly thought of model Helena Belmonte.

— Peewee Isidro

Meg editor in chief (2007–2011)

There was no one like her and there never will be because she was uniquely weird, spastically funny, and despite her struggle with depression even early on, she fought like the glittery warrior that she was and she was still full of life. 

–Janthina Fong, member of

Helena’s Poveda group, The Eggs

I think I speak for practically everyone at Mega Publishing when I say that Helena Belmonte was our baby. We literally watched her grow up in the Mega office, walking in with Pudgy, the family dog, loitering in the halls, slouching on the old red sofa in her school uniform.

In fact, her proud mom (then Mega creative director and dear mentor) Lorraine would always tell me how the idea of Meg magazine was inspired by Helena — a junior version of Mega to keep Helena entertained. And so, as a tween, Helena was already a tastemaker, clueing the Meg staff in on what was hot (like the Moffats!), and wrinkling her pretty little nose at what was not. That’s the thing about Helena — she was sweet and polite, but also always refreshingly frank. And silly. And mischievous. And funny!


Meg editor in chief (2002–2007)

She was never afraid to show how she felt. She expressed it unapologetically. She cried with me at concerts, fought for me when I was wronged by others, and even fought me when I wronged her.

Above all, Helena taught me to always follow my heart. She made me believe in love even in the hardest of times. She really had the purest and kindest heart.

— Stacy Rodriguez,

New York-based friend


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