When you’re sick

I can sense when I am catching something. I haven’t gotten sick in years — literally! So this weekend, I was a bit surprised when I started feeling the bacteria setting in. I reflected that in the past few days I had been falling asleep tired so I have been missing the oil pulling. Maybe that’s why.

Anyway, this weekend my sinuses started acting up. As a teenager, several times a year they would get so bad, I would have to go to the doctor to have my nose pumped and calm my nasal cavities. When I turned vegetarian and started regular detox, my sinus attacks stopped completely.

So the experience of not being able to breathe well again was unnerving. According to the thermometer reading, I was okay — but I did feel under the weather. It lasted 2.5 days. As I write this, I can breathe again. It’s near midnight and I am still wide awake with lots of energy. So let me share with you what I did.

I made sure to oil pull twice a day. I even did an extra session on the second day. On the second day I exercised and went on the rebounder then I went to the infrared sauna. Any gym should have a sauna or a steam room. If you can get to a steam room, for me, that’s preferable. What happens is the heat opens up the pores. This helps the detoxing process in a big way.  I also took coco nectar with a pinch of calamansi twice a day. After a meal I took echinacea, garlinys, olive stone extract and 3,000 mg. of vitamin C. I took lots of kangen water — this morning I must have taken 21 ounces.

Then I put Anvil (an ointment available in G Stuff) all over: my chest, my back, my throat, even my arms.

It took 2.5 days to beat this — and that’s long for me. Long because I normally always feel well. I am not 100 percent perfect. But I can breathe. My sinuses are clear. Yesterday I was in the esteros from eight in the morning till six in the evening. I soaked in a saltwater bath when I got back home. I rubbed myself with a salt scrub — which is soon going to be available at G Stuff. I love it. It’s healing crystals mixed with VCO (virgin coconut oil). It has a cleansing energetic effect. Perfect after going to any gunky place. I am still up and “kicking.

My son was also under the weather this weekend. He adamantly refuses to oil pull. I gave him the echinacea, garlinys, vitamin C (3,000 mg) and I also put Anvil on his chest and his back, before he slept. He was well by the next day.

My other son prefers Bowen Therapy when he gets a headache.

One has to find a way out of sickness that is not chemical — that doesn’t toxify the liver, the kidneys and is just superficially addressing symptoms. The thing to do is boost the immune system, the ability of the body to fight disease.

Pharmaceutical medicine sometimes addresses the symptoms but not the capability of the body to fight the disease. That’s why the symptoms keep coming back. A better way would be to strengthen the body’s capability to fight the disease. A stronger body doesn’t experience the bacteria again.

Unfortunately our world is getting more and more polluted. Manila in particular is dismally toxic. Most of us have to weather sitting in a car and wading through frustrating traffic. So we need to find a way to deal with reality and still maneuver ourselves to quality of life. It can be done.

A healthy lifestyle. This is critical to quality of life.

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I can be reached at regina_lopez@abs-cbn.com.


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