What was the most unforgettable news you’ve received?

News is something we receive in our daily lives — good or bad. We receive positive news that inspire us and make us happy. And then there is the not-so-good news, which can be the most unforgettable and painful.

Read on as these personalities share the most unforgettable news told to them.


Gel Santos Relos, news anchor, Balitang America on The Filipino Channel

The most unforgettable news I received was on a small piece of paper that showed the result of a pregnancy test: positive. I had mixed emotions — joy, fear, confused, hopeful — because I had just graduated from college, my husband was just about to go to medical school. One thing was certain then: our lives were changed forever. Our son sealed our fate. My husband and I will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in July 2014.

Liezl Martinez, board member, MTRCB

There are two times  in my life that I was given news that was truly unforgettable. The first was when I was told I was pregnant with my firstborn, Alyanna. I was extremely happy and excited. The second was when I was told I had breast cancer. The news brought  extreme sadness and fear. These two times were unforgettable but represented extreme opposites in my life.

Ana Amigo Antonio, businesswoman

As you know I have been battling with my health for the past three months. I can even say I have been in the darkest of hours so after almost a month of being hospitalized and being in so much pain and discomfort, I have to say the best news ever came from my doctor:  “Ana, you can already go home and rest there.” The first person I thanked was God for carrying me throughout it all.

Patrice Ramos Diaz, fashion designer

Sometimes the most unforgettable moments are the most painful ones. In my case, the most unforgettable albeit traumatic news was when I was told that my mom had cancer and had six months to live. It was in the early ‘80s. I was 13 years old. Nothing ever prepared me for it.

Paul Henson, journalist, TV executive producer

How could I forget this ecstatic piece of news when it happened just a few months ago? It came by e-mail from the executive director of the World Press Institute.  It was a congratulatory letter saying I was awarded an international journalism fellowship, the only Filipino in a class of 10 journalists from different continents. So now, I find myself here in the US for this amazing study program where I get to  learn from top journalists, editors and leaders of global media organizations like The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall St. Journal, Bloomberg, CNN, etc.

Lulu Tan Gan, fashion designer, fashion designer

It was announced to us by Mrs. Mina Gabor, executive director of CITEM, that I would be one of the designers to attend the Paris Pret A Porter fashion fair (now called NEXT). Out trip extended to other cities: London, Milan and Munich. That was exactly 30 years ago.

Kim Henares, BIR Commissioner

When I was told that I am being invited to join the policy team that will help President (P-Noy) to come up with policies on various areas of government during his campaign for the presidency.

Weng Domingo, wife of Trade and Industry Secretary Gregory Domingo

The most unforgettable news I have received was a text that read: “Luigi passed away.” It was shocking when I realized that the boy  was my 18-year-old nephew and godchild — his 10th death anniversary is on Oct 12. Life is short but his spirit lives on.

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