What is the first thing you do when not feeling well?

Feeling or getting sick in inevitable! But we should find and know ways to stop it from getting worse. Even at the first sign of simple aches, pains and the common cold should never be ignored. There’s nothing like being healthy all the time. As they say, “Health is wealth.” Some personalities share with us the first thing they do when they are under the weather.

Victor Basa, actor

Audio therapy.  I listen to music to feel better when I’m down or stressed, and take a time-out from distractions. Noise-cancelling headphones care of my Geeky Nights podcast also make sure I can find a quiet spot at any time of the day. After a few choice tracks on http://hypem.com I’m good as new.

Maxine Eigenman, actress/Fairy Dust collector

When I get sick, the first thing I do is ask for a warm glass of unsweetened calamansi juice! There’s something so comforting about it. Whether I have a fever or a bad cold or a sore throat, nothing soothes me like my warm calamansi. And to complete my sick ritual, before I spend the rest of the day sleeping, my ultimate guilty “sick” pleasure is a nice bowl of chicken-flavored instant ramen with egg. Yummy!

Carlo Licaros Cruz, model/businessman

When I begin to realize that something is wrong, or I am not feeling well, the first thing I do is load up on vitamin C and liquids. I also make sure that I get some rest. If I still don’t feel better, I check my schedule and assess which appointments I can move to another day. I then just stay home and spoil myself with a movie marathon and feel-good food!

Carlo Calma, architect/interior designer/visual artist

I’m normally not a sickly person but first thing I do when I feel unwell is to take lots of vitamin C, water and some rest, the last of which is sometimes hard to do because I tend to be a workaholic. I want my body to naturally fight against sickness but if necessary then I take proper medication. A healthy body also depends on having a healthy mind.

Cris Albert, CEO and president. Fila Group of Companies

I pray it doesn’t get worse. I drink all sorts of medicine coupled with plenty of water, juice and shakes. If there is nothing urgent in the office, I curl up in bed. I ask the kids to take care of me.

Joy Ortega, executive assistant of Governor Manuel Ortega

Drown myself with fresh orange juice and water, sip hot Emergen-C, dip in a warm tub with lavender, rosemary and mint salt, load up with vitamin C and zinc, avoid crowded places and people who are energy zappers and, lastly, sleep like Snow White till my prince wakes me up!

LingLing King, board member, Abilympics Philippines

When I’m not feeling well emotionally, I reach out to the Almighty to give me strength.  Not feeling well physically, I rest and take lots of water and vitamin C.

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