The best of Patterson

MANILA, Philippines - Writing about my favorite book is the hardest task yet. How can I ever write an essay that will do justice to a perfectly written book? I may not succeed, but not trying is resigning to defeat.

In contrast to what is expected, I am fond of James Patterson for his novel Sam’s Letters to Jennifer. As much as I enjoy his thriller/suspense novels, I favor his romance/inspirational novels more. At first, I wasn’t sure what a man who comes up with brilliant murder plots can tell me about love or life, but he gave me more of both in this novel.

My enthusiasm for reading books started when I was 11 years old. I remember my mom taking me to book stores that sold second-hand books. She would screen the books I chose as any good mother would. My preference back then was pretty simple — as long as it’s cheap and is a Scholastic book.

One day, when I was 13, my mother pointed out a book of James Patterson’s. I didn’t know who he was. I was actually opting for other books. I flipped the book and scanned the synopsis; a phrase read “two of the greatest love stories ever.” Who could say no to that?

The cover is a treat as much as the content. There is something about the lake, bird, and hue of the picture. It reminds me of my favorite place in the Philippines:  Tagaytay City. It makes me calm and anxious at the same time. There is just that clandestine atmosphere.

The novel starts with a word from James Patterson. He relates the story that moved him to write Sam’s Letters to Jennifer. It is rooted to his other novel,  Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas. These two books changed my life. They touched unknown corners in my heart.

Jennifer is summoned to Lake Geneva for a tragedy has occurred, which involves her grandmother Sam. While waiting for her to regain consciousness, Jennifer is given a stack of letters written to her by Sam. Through her stay in Lake Geneva and the letters, Jennifer is to discover what it means to love and be loved.

The setting of the story is perfect yet realistic. Someday, I would love to visit Lake Geneva and sit down in one of the white docks around the lake. I would want to find a Daddy Maxwell’s, with the best double chocolate shake and monstrous burger. My dream house will very much resemble that of Sam’s, with its back and front porch, bright kitchen and serene rooms. It is the best scenery for a great story.

Honestly, my perception of love came from these two exceptional characters of Patterson. I shared Jennifer’s pain when she lost Danny. I wept for her when Brendan went for a surgery to remove his brain tumor. Through her, I experienced what it was like to hurt, to mend and to love once more. She opened my heart to risks. She showed me that to love is to leave yourself unguarded and to give the best of yourself to another person.

Jennifer was my life’s heroine. My years in high school were spent contending for journalism competitions. I guess I was not aware but she inspired my decision to enter broadcast news. I was introduced to the flexible working conditions of being a feature writer, working outside the office and trying different things/stories.

Sam is the picture of a strong and warm grandmother, but her story depicts a strength equal to a battalion of men. She puts up with all the crap of her husband and distances herself from her true love (Doc). All this for her family; it is a love that extends beyond two people. Hope is not all lost when time comes for Doc and Sam to rekindle their affair. The mystery of Doc’s identity makes me squeal and jump. The letters are beautifully written. One can simply see the telescope, the hotel, the parties — everything.

The twist in the story is genius. What could have been more frightening than the thought of not leaving a mark in this world, or not being able to speak to anyone of the truth?

In inexplicable ways, the book taught me that life offers second chances. I came to see kindness in our world. I learned to seize life by its collar, but even for those daunted by responsibilities and mundane hindrances, there is no such thing as “too late.” All we need to do is act now, or at least, try. That is what Jennifer and Sam imparted in me.

They made me laugh, smile, cry, and cry, and cry some more. They are both women of power, though restricted by their past and responsibilities. For all the challenges and responsibilities that will come my way, I know that they will always be with me in my heart. It is a book that will never leave my side.

I know the story by heart, after every re-reading I am filled with love and hope, it keeps me going, drives me further. It is a book that keeps getting better as the reader gets older. It is promising in a way that the book tears your heart, but never leaves it broken.

I knew they were going to be alright, and that was how I felt, too.


Gian Gabriela A. Manuel is a Communication student at Miriam College. She is from Nueva Ecija and misses farm life. She enjoys reading, but is tired of writing. She loves dogs, but hates cats. She dreams of working at BBC, but will settle for CNN.

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