What do you expect in 2013?

 Last year was a good one for most of us. And so we look forward to 2013 with even more hope. After all, every beginning always offers us a chance for a fresh start, new hope for our unfinished business and more opportunities to pursue our dreams.

I personally feel 2013 will be the best year ever for me. Why shouldn’t it be? When the worst is over in my personal life, I have so much to be thankful for and, yes, I still believe in happy endings. My story has not ended. I am the sole author of my life and 2013 is just the start for me to achieve that perfect ending.


Richard Gomez, actor

Even if 2012 proved to be a very good year for me, I’ve sowed a lot of seeds that hold the promise that 2013 will be even better. I’ve always known the value of hard work but at this point in my life I also have a greater appreciation of God’s hand and blessing, so with those two combined, life is good. No, it’s not good — it’s great!


Ana Amigo Antonio, businesswoman

 I am excited for the New Year! I can feel it will be a great year ahead. For our country, I expect even more breakthroughs in our economy! Based on what I saw during the holidays I see that our tourism is thriving and this can only mean great things for all Filipinos. This makes me very hopeful and optimistic. On a personal note, I pray for and expect God’s abundant blessings the whole year for me and my family; each day I will be grateful for His blessings, big or small! And I will strive to live in the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.



Kelly Misa-Fernandez, model, TV host

I expect 2013 to be an incredibly busy and fun year. I recently got married to my husband and will definitely be going through some adjustments. But we’re confident it will go somewhat smoothly.


Khavin Dela Cruz, indie filmmaker

 The Expectator. I want the old world to end, the old guns to drown in rust, the old asses to fall back on ruined chairs, the old pens to stop raping six-year-old papers, the old eyebrows to burn and be tried for arson, the old backs to break under the weight of waiting, the old mouths to be sewed shut with blunt needles, the old actors to rot in dead coffins, the old politicians to wake up with a missing leg, the old films to explode to cinema, the old records to slice ears before noon, the old predictions to come true.

I want everything old to disintegrate and scream the biggest bawl possible for old throats.

I hope to be able to do many things for our label and one of them is to have a dream show.



Rikki Dee, restaurateur

We expect to have continuous growth from last year. This year will be full of excitement and new challenges as we embark on bringing in global brands and new concepts to our urbane/sophisticated consumers.


Bea Azcuna, marathoner

The most important thing I expect for 2013 is to do at least one good deed daily and asking the recipient(s) to “pay it forward.” We would all be blessed to have an over-abundance of acts of kindness this year.



Dennis Lustico, fashion designer

If we are to base the present state of our country on daily headlines then we are way better off than, say, three years ago. I personally hope that this feeling of security will continue this year, if not get even stronger. May I just say that not having to read news of corruption emanating from that Palace on the Pasig River makes one feel a lot better. On the other hand, I do hope that I’m getting the right news.

This year, on a selfish note, I sincerely hope to be able to do many things for our label and one of them is to have a dream show.



Gang Badoy, founding director, Rock Ed Philippines

I expect many things to stay the same but I hope for a few things to change. For the world: with the leaps in communication and methods in information transmission, I seriously hope there’ll be less war in the world. I understand that sounds horrifyingly naive, it can be even judged as stupid but hey, one must hope! (Especially at the start of a new year.) And I needed to share that plaintive cry for world peace out loud. Consider that a sigh and a prayer. For the Philippines: being election year, I expect to see a new wave of leaders in local government after the polls in May. Like I said, one must always hope. For myself: I expect myself to drink more water this year for no profound reason other than it makes perfect sense to do so.

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