Christmas shopping without the stress

Dear Nanay,

I  have a comment about the letter sent by Christmas Panic because it is getting harder to buy Christmas gifts for everyone you know.  This includes friends, family, business associates, professional colleagues and co-workers.  Every year it seems like my list just keeps getting longer and longer.

Actually, I just wanted to share with your readers the only no-hassle, no-fuss way I have discovered to handle Christmas gifts.  And it really is a pretty simple solution.  Start early!  More than starting early what is more important is that you buy gifts all year round.  Every time you see something, go ahead and buy it already and save it for Christmas.  This is even truer when you see things that are on sale.  You have to prepare all year, that’s the only way you can avoid the Christmas rush!  It takes a little discipline and you have to get used to breaking the Filipino mañana habit but when you get used to it your life during the holidays will be better and less stressful.

— Marjorie

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Reading and inspiration

Dear nanay,

I decided to write you because one of your letter senders, Nova Castro, inspired me.

To be honest, her passion is really amazing.  I’m Ma. Virod M. Marquina, 16 years of age.  I am a senior high school student.  I was really amazed by her passion.  Reading books is a great hobby.  I’m the type of person who reads books based on issues and the realities of life. I love books, especially by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, my favorite author.

Speaking of books, I have so many popular novels in our house.  I want to make it into a collection.  Because of Nova Castro’s story, I changed my passion from food to reading books.  My brother kept saying,  “Reading books won’t help you,” but I refuse to listen. I promised myself  that  I would read at least one page of a book, so that I can be like Nova Castro.  As she said, “The value of clothes may change, but the message or lesson in each page of the book will last for lifetime.”

I hope that this letter can persuade some teenagers like me “to choose wisely on what things you will put as your passion, it should be helpful to you and all the people around you.”

— Ma. Virod M. Marquina

Dear Ma. Virod,

Congratulations on discovering reading as your new hobby.  I guarantee that you will not regret it. 

Reading can take you places that you never dreamed possible.  It allows you to live the lives of other people.  But most of all, reading can enrich your mind and provide an opportunity for lifelong learning.




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If you have a question, e-mail us at or just drop your letter at drop boxes in all National Book Store branches nationwide.




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