Inside the anti-aging clinic of Villa Medica

MANILA, Philippines - People are talking about fresh cell therapy — this scientific advancement that has literally reshaped the face of the elite and the powerful. Countless names have surfaced, raving about this anti-aging procedure and I have heard of a former president, a veteran senator, and a multi-awarded actress looking younger and feeling stronger after this procedure. Like kids set free inside Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, these famous people have trooped all the way to Germany to give this procedure a try. Thanks to a good friend, Joey Santos, executive consultant of Villa Medica Philippines, everything that I have read on the World Wide Web seemed clearer to me.

When I traveled to Germany for an ABS-CBN TFC (The Filipino Channel) event, Joey was kind enough to take me on a tour of Villa Medica in Germany. Boasting a rejuvenation procedure whose clinical applications have been proven safe and effective, it is renowned as one of the only few clinics around the globe approved to administer the famed fresh cell therapy.

A restaurant near Villa Medica proudly displays the photos of its celebrity patrons which include world leaders like former Philippine President Joseph Estrada.

This haven of beauty is aptly nestled in the quiet and picture-pretty Edenkoben — cradling a vineyard-like property. It’s amazing to see how the state-of-the-art procedure is housed in a cozy structure set amid the serene environment of lush greens and fresh air from the foothills of the Palatinate Forest. We enjoyed a fulfilling gastronomic affair situated outside Villa Medica with menu options carefully catering to the palate of each patient.

Fresh cell therapy has been known worldwide since its inception in the ‘70s after the 1931 discovery of Switzerland’s famed surgeon Dr. Paul Niehans. What does this therapy do? Donor animals, usually unborn sheep, provide fresh cells that are injected into a patient’s body to help counter the speeding aging process or, more importantly, to cure diseases. This is anchored on the idea that the best way to cure tissues nearing their demise is by curing them through live ones.

Looking more like a hotel than a clinic, Villa Medica is the rejuvenating place of people from all over the world who want to regain their youth, strength, beauty and health.

Administering such procedure aids in stimulating the body’s healing process and even harnesses its revitalizing powers.

In Dr. Niehans’ research, the injected cells from a particular organ circulate from where the patient was injected and these travel around the host body upon finding and linking up with cells of the human counterpart. As Villa Medica is well known for its experienced physicians, the patients are definitely under careful monitoring of the clinic’s able practitioners. And this means, no miscalculations in dosages and mixes of the cells to be injected.

 The result? The patient experiences marked improvement in his/her general health and physical well-being. Inside the patient’s body, the therapy effects are enhanced metabolism, improvement in organ functions and a smoother blood circulation, therefore effecting noticeably younger looking skin with visible improvement in skin tone, complexion and reduction of unwanted wrinkles.

This refreshing green expanse is where Villa Medica patrons can take a stroll or smell the roses.

Countless testimonials have pointed out that the desired effects of this therapy best manifest usually in the third or fourth week after the injection. What amazes me most about this is that from a single injection, this therapy treats chronic functional and degenerative illnesses like kidney or digestive problems impairing the stomach, the gallbladder or pancreas, chronic constipation and spinal and joint problems. From allergic reactions and skin asthma, the fresh cell therapy also repairs hormonal disorders like sexual dysfunctions in men and women. And this list of beneficial effects goes on and on.

The natural therapy’s effectiveness has been so formidable, those who have been rumored to have undergone it and those who have gamely declared that they have tried this therapy appear noticeably rejuvenated. A doctor now walks without his usual walking cane. A TV personality has fewer wrinkles on her face. A businessman says his memory no longer fails him. A celebrity hairstylist says his backaches are gone. An autistic child now communicates better.

For details, call Joey C. Santos of Villa Medica Philippines at 0917-8986564 or 633-86-53, fax 438-1342 or visit

European, American and Asian dishes are served at the dining room of Villa Medica.

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