What makes a fashion victim?

A person who is unable to identify commonly recognized boundaries of style” was Oscar Dela Renta’s answer to his question.

Sometime in our lives, at one time or another, we may have fallen into the trap of being a fashion victim. Because of the powerful influence of media marketing all around us, we are exposed and tempted to buy the brand and designer labels we see, read and hear about. I personally feel that whatever a person wants to wear is his or her choice and if it makes them happy, then so be it!

Hindy Weber Tantoco

Someone who mindlessly follows a trend, a person or a so-called expert at the expense of comfort, sense, or individuality.

Debbie Co

When one is trying too hard, being pretentious and uncomfortable with what she/he is wearing.

Frederick Peralta

For me, a fashion victim is a person who does not know herself, mainly because she tries to be someone she is not. A fashion victim is deceived by pretensions, of a mistaken self-image. She should know herself first and her lifestyle, to be able to express her true self. She can always use the mirror to see what she truly is.

JC Buendia

Head-to-toe designer brands make a fashion victim. Matching shoes, bags, necklaces, bracelets and headbands. I believe one must learn to mix high street and high fashion, fast fashion and classic pieces.

Tippi Ocampo

To me fashion victims are people who have not developed their own personal style, and as a result, the clothes wear them more than they wear their clothes.  They usually wear all the latest trends from head to toe, or wear too-obvious designer pieces that scream for attention...and sometimes they even combine both the trend-seeking and attention-grabbing into one outfit.

Joel Escobar

Trying too hard in terms of style, proportion and the occasion. Sticking to the right formula/illusion for your body type is still the best fashion move. Remember: You wear fashion, not the other way around.

Avel Bacudio

A fashion victim is a fashion failure and a fashion-unable. Everything looks great on the models but this doesn’t mean it will do the same magic for you, so just develop your own sense of style — something that will embody who you are.

Martin Bautista

I guess when a person tries too hard to look like someone he’s not.

 Vittorio Barba

A fashion victim is someone who follows fashion blindly, carelessly or literally.

Dong Omaga Diaz

These days, there is so much liberty in fashion. It is almost as if everyone has the license to wear whatever their heart desires, never knowing that they are going beyond the boundary of what is proper. I still believe in dressing up according to your age and to the occasion. I can actually forgive those who go beyond the rules of basic color or pattern distribution but I can’t really help but raise my eyebrow at fashion victims who dress up in the most ridiculous manner, hoping to hide their age, or dressing down or up too much.

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