2011 International Bazaar in November

MANILA, Philippines - Preparations are underway for the coming 2011 International Bazaar on Nov. 20 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. On sale are unique products from diplomatic and consular posts in the Philippines as well as 100 local entrepreneurs selling export-quality products. As in previous years, there will be a raffle of different prizes from all over the world. But this year’s bazaar will feature a special car raffle to coincide with the launching of the 2011 IBF Souvenir Program. Shown during a meeting of the Bazaar Foundation, Inc. with the Spouses of the Heads of Missions (SHOM) are, seated from left, SHOM vice-president Indira Kumar (India), SHOM president Caecilia Soeharli-Legowo (Indonesia), IBF chairperson Gretchen V. Del Rosario, SHOM secretary Gracita Tolentino (Switzerland, incoming president), Susanne Astrid Cotton (New Zealand). Standing are IBF secretary Rose Villamor, Ada Mabilangan, Margarita Tambunting, IBF president Conchitina Bernardo, Olivia Romulo, Bambina Buenaventura, IBF treasurer Nora Salazar, IBF vice president Sylvia Farolan, IBF secretariat coordinator Blesila Cabrera.

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