What's your New Year's resolution?

Every New Year that comes gives us the opportunity for a fresh start. This is the time we make resolutions on what direction we want our lives to go.   My New Year’s resolution for 2011 is simple: to read the Bible as often as I can, to let go of all the negativity in my life  and let God take charge of my life. Making resolutions is easy but trying to keep them is a challenge for us. For as long as we keep in mind that this is something positive for ourselves, it will be easy to keep our resolutions.

Shalani Soledad

To wake up early, so I can maximize my time. To be more productive in my legislative work and have quality time with family and friends.

Patricia Prieto, commercial model, fashion blogger, student

My New Year’s resolution for 2011 would be to manage my time and prioritize what I need to do. I’m the type of person who likes to do as much as I can because I want to accomplish a lot, but in the process I tend to forget to manage my time and prioritize certain things and the quality of what I do is also sacrificed in the process. Planning my activities and being more conscious of what I need to do will help me focus and do them to the best of my abilities. It may sound so vague but, I think in doing that, everything about my life will be closer to perfection and the best it can be. I plan to accomplish so much more this year and I am looking forward to better and more possibilities that life has to offer. So, in 2011, I’ll be sure to do that.

Jobelle Salvador, president, Aqtiv8 KK

I really never make them – I just hope for a better year in general than the last. I find that making New Year’s resolutions never works for most people. Maybe this year, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws but potentials. You really have to make it a life change instead of a resolution. But if there’s really one thing I want to do, it’s doing more service to society.

Executive Secretary Jojo Ochoa

Stop smoking.

Senator Chiz Escudero

To eat, drink and smoke less and sometime within the year to quit completely… and to continue to spend more time with my children while they are still young and in their formative years.

Margie Juico, chairperson, PCSO

To be better than I was the previous year, to be more giving, more forgiving.

Queenie Gonzales, wife of Mandaluyong Rep. Boyet Gonzales

To do my share in helping the environment and work more in advocating earth-friendly tips to people so we can all contribute to a cleaner environment. And on a personal level, I want to remind myself always to practice a healthier lifestyle — eat more veggies, exercise every day and lessen my cravings for sweets!

Toni Leviste, Olympic equestrienne

I resolve to live each day of 2011 with passion — never give up on my dream, no matter how impossible it may seem. Nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without overcoming fear.

Comelec Commissioner Goyo Larrazabal

I’m retiring in February so it’s time for me to lose weight. I’ll have to ride my bicycle a lot more.  On the work front, much still needs to be done.  I want to continue studying, write a book on automation and push for electoral reform as a private citizen.  The work is far from over — and whether I’m in government or not, I’d like to continue doing my humble share in making a difference. That, I should say, is an ongoing resolution.

Teena Sarino

In 2011, I will continue to be the best Filipino I can be and support President Noynoy Aquino’s administration — a new hope for our country and its continued progress and development. This 2011, I commit myself to three things: To patronize local products; to always speak positively about the Philippines and to be the change I want to see and happen.

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