The best Christmas gift: Kangen water for healthy life

MANILA, Philippines – How much do you know about water? You know that your body is about 70 percent water. You know that we should drink eight glasses a day. And that humans can go for weeks without food, but only three to four days without water.   

What you may not know is that most water we drink is acidic. Much of it is “dead” (containing no minerals). And tap water — which in many Third World countries is contaminated with poisons — struggles to hydrate our cells. It contains oxidants rather than antioxidants.   

Since your body is over 70 percent water, doesn’t it make sense to put the best kind of water possible into it? I think so, especially if you have health concerns.    

Water without minerals will scavenge minerals from your bones and everywhere else in your body as it moves through your system. Water has an inherent need for minerals and, if it doesn’t have them, it will go find and take them. Almost all water that is sold in a plastic container is acidic and was bottled, on the average, three years prior to your purchase!    

Alkaline water (also referred to as ionized water) can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution, and many bottled waters.  

The term “alkaline water” is just a label used to describe ideal drinking water as provided by nature. All-natural water consists of H2O molecules and OH- and H+ ions in very small quantities. It is these ions that give acidity and alkalinity to water. When these ions are equal in number, the water is neutral; when the H+ is more it is acidic; when the OH- ions are more, it is alkaline.   

Acclaimed as the best drinking water that is beneficial to our health is the alkaline water produced by the Kangen machine invented by Japanese scientists. The Kangen ma-chine is portable and is simply attached to the faucet.

Alkaline water has more excess oxygen and alkaline minerals than neutral or acid tap water. It is highly oxygenated water with the oxygen in the stable bias OH- form that is needed by our cells. Each of these ions is bonded with an alkaline mineral in the all-important colloidal form. At pH levels between 8 and10, ionized alkaline water will have hundreds of times more excess oxygen then neutral tap water and no acid elements or toxic substances in it.   

Kangen water is delicious, healthy water created from Enagic’s innovative water technology. This amazing Kangen machine invented by the Japanese, originally for hospital use, filters your tap water. It also produces both ionized alkaline water and acidic water through electrolysis. The many types of water from the device can be used for various purposes, including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning. Kangen means “return to origin” in Japanese, and that is exactly what this extraordinary water does for your body. 

The pH level of Kangen water is in the healthy range of 8.0 to 9.5, and can help your body maintain a better pH level. This clean, delicious, alkaline beverage has zero calories and zero grams of sugar, and it is conveniently available at your own kitchen sink. Kangen water is a healthier way to hydrate your body from the inside out.   

What kangen water can do for you

• Drinking. Drink Kangen water throughout the day. Unlike tap water, Kangen water has no unpleasant odor and tastes lighter. Kangen water balances the acidic and alkaline effects of foods. The best way to drink fresh Kangen water is straight from the Kangen water machine. Kangen water stored in the refrigerator or water dispenser will last three to five days. The alkaline content will be maintained but the antioxidant property and minerals will be reduced.

• Food preparation. Use to clean vegetables and fish. Enhance the flavor of broccoli, onions, bamboo, etc. by pre-boiling them in Kangen water. Use less condiments and salt.   

• Coffee and tea. You’ll be surprised at the wonderful color, taste, and aroma of coffee or tea prepared with Kangen water. You can also use less or coffee or tea and still achieve a full rich taste due to the water’s extractable ability.   

• Soups and stews. Kangen water draws out the flavor of ingredients so they get tender and juicy. Therefore, food doesn’t need as much seasoning, and excess salt can be avoided.   

• Plants. Kangen water may give freshness and life to plants. Kangen water can also restore the health of weak plants. The water stimulates germination and improves seedling development.

• Safe cleaning. Did you know that Strong Acid Water and Strong Kangen Water (which are both available through the Kangen device) are the perfect solutions for cleaning your home? Both types of water are wonderfully powerful cleaning agents and, when combined with other natural ingredients, can be used to create an entire line of chemical-free cleaning products.    

Commercial cleaners are loaded with dangerous chemicals. Even those products labeled “non-toxic” can have serious health consequences if overused or accidentally ingested by a small pet or child.     

So many people neglect their health as they aspire to gain wealth. In the end, they spend the wealth they’ve accumulated to regain their health. Japanese scientists who have traced the cause of many health problems to drinking the wrong kind of water, point this out as they urge people to drink only alkaline water. This is made possible by drinking Kangen alkaline water which is produced by using the patented Enagic water machine.

This is the best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones: healthy Kangen water and healthy life.                                

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For more info on Kangen water, call Tonie Martinez at 0916-3039291 and or Hazel at 985-2427or visit

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