Filipinos now get their vitamins from a calorie-free, flavorful drink

Vitamins are necessary to sustain life. As compounds that promote metabolism, normal growth, and health, these are usually taken in and absorbed into the body through a person’s food intake.

Thus, Propel Vitamin Water is welcome news. As a calorie-free enriched beverage, it is a good delivery system for vitamins and minerals. Natural flavors like Mandarin Orange and Lemon make the drink pleasant, so that the resistance to taking one’s vitamins is eliminated and taking one’s vitamins becomes as natural as having a refreshing drink. 

The beverage has vitamin C to help strengthen the immune system, vitamin E with antioxidant properties to help fight free radicals, and minerals like sodium and potassium to help replace electrolytes lost in daily activities. For weight watchers, it is a guilt-free alternative for proper hydration.

Is there a danger of getting a vitamin overdose when one drinks too much Propel water? Definitely not. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid cannot be stored in the body and is excreted regularly; thus, the need for constant replenishment. As an important vitamin that is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which is an important component of ligaments, blood vessels, bone, and tendons, vitamin C helps in healthy tissue development and normal tissue growth, and promotes healing of damaged tissue. Additionally, its antioxidant properties protect the body against pollutants and infections.

On the other hand, vitamin E retards cellular aging by protecting the cell membranes from free radicals. Called the “super antioxidant,” it has been identified to play an important role in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease.

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