PHILIPPINE STAR ASKS: Why Put Vitamins In Your Water?

Yes, we need to take our vitamins — daily! We need vitamins to live, work, grow, boost our immune system, ward off disease, fight infection, improve our skin, and even enhance our mood.

We get our daily dose of vitamins from the food that we eat. But because only a fraction of the food’s nutrients are left by the time it gets to the dining table and into our mouths, we need vitamin supplementation, says Dr. George Obikoya of The Vitamins & Nutrition Center.

Here’s something to fortify your knowledge of vitamins: The word “vitamine” was coined in 1911 by Polish scientist Cashmir Funk to describe a group of compounds considered vital for life.

Dr. Obikoya asserts, “One can consume all the right amounts of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins the body needs, and get all the exercise needed, but unless there are also very adequate amounts of vitamins in the body to regulate how these macronutrients are used, benefits achieved will be slim to none!”

The energetic doctor can’t stress enough the importance of vitamin supplements: “With the exception of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), all of the water-soluble vitamins assist enzymes that function in energy transfer/metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins. Supplementation is needed!”

And now, kids, how well do you know your vitamin alphabet? Vitamin C and E, taken in combination, help ward off several illnesses including the common cold, viruses, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamins C and E are immunity-boosting antioxidants that help neutralize potentially disease-causing free radicals.

But as a routine, popping the pills may be one of those you usually forget. Here’s great news! Why not put vitamins in your water? Yes, that’s what Propel Vitamin Water is all about. In today’s hustle and bustle, people forget proper supplementation. So Propel Vitamin Water makes it so much easier. They thought, “Well, we’ll put the vitamins in the water!” That said, you’ll probably never feel guilty for forgetting to pop your pills.

So, as your mother would probably often nag you, “Don’t forget to take your vitamins.” With Propel Vitamin Water, you’re probably sure never to.

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