How do you move on after a heartbreak?

One of the hardest things to go through in life is a heartbreak. Maybe because when a relationship ends, you feel that you are not good enough for the person who chose to end it with you, despite giving it all you’ve got. You feel betrayed because you thought it would last forever. For all the loveless out there and those going through a heartbreak this Valentine’s Day, here are a few tips on how to move on.

TETET DY, businesswoman: I can only move on after a heartbreak when I know that I already did my best to save the relationship. If I don’t get to save it, at least I can always tell myself that I did something about it rather than regretting that I did not even try.  It’s always best to know the truth right away than staying while thinking everything’s gonna get better. The truth may hurt but it pushes you to walk slowly forward, never backwards. Of course, this is easier said than done!

RJ LEDESMA, writer: By consuming enough liquor to temporarily be disabled, locking yourself in your room for some good man-crying and marathon viewing sessions of Oprah. A good hug from your yaya won’t hurt as well. And some chocolates.

DENNIS PADILLA, comedian: First, think of God’s plan. Second, acceptance. Third, concentrate on my kids and career. That’s moving on.

JOEM BASCON, ABS-CBN Star Magic artist: I spend the first day in the gym then watch lots of movies at night until I feel better.

JOYCE JIMENEZ, actress: I’ve found that the best way to get over a broken heart is to distance yourself from your ex.  It’s hard to move forward if you are stuck in the past.  You have to allow yourself to move on, you have to want to move on. Go out of town, take a vacation if you need to. As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

MARILEN S. CONCEPCION, Pilates instructor, B&B Studio: I try to remember that nothing in life is permanent, except for God.  The feeling of sadness and disappointment will pass.  I take one day at a time, keeping myself busy with things that make me happy…doing and teaching Pilates, working out, playing badminton and spending time with family and friends. Things that remind me how much I have to be thankful for.

SHARON AZANZA, businesswoman: What did I do? I prayed. It made me strong and made me able to forgive. After forgiveness, only then can one move on.

BAMBINA OLIVARES WISE, contributing writer, Philippine Tatler: With humor and grace.

JIM ARANETA, entrepreneur/triathlete, Ironman: I have had several character-building experiences in my life but the one that made the biggest impact was the separation of my parents. My mom moving to the United States made it a little bit more difficult. Not having a parent present is hard on anyone so I guess I’m lucky to have gone through my teenage years with just the usual amount of challenges. I knew that to be able to move on I would have to find the right woman, get married and start my own family. So that’s exactly what I did almost 19 years ago.

PINKY AMADOR, stage actress: Moving on for me comes with two very important steps. The first is acceptance: learning to accept the situation and, painful, easy or not, is important.  Everything happens for a reason. You can’t really move on otherwise. Time is also a factor that helps to teach us to let go.  Once you do let go though, it’s so much easier to really become “positively introspective” (through prayer or meditation) and see where it is in yourself that you can become more understanding, patient and compassionate. The second is to become pro-active, as opposed to just being reactive to the break-up). You need to find a way to transform your pain into loving actions. Immerse yourself in your work, family, projects, dreams and goals.  You’ll be amazed how much easier it is, once you get outside yourself and focus on others, their needs, etc.  Another way is to surround yourself with supportive and positive people.  All this being said, tao rin tayo, so when there are times that you need to be alone or to cry, that’s okay, too.  Accept it, and be ready to pick yourself up and start over again.

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