What’s your wildest dream?

When I was younger, I had many dreams. As I grew older, I tried my best to make the dreams I found most important come true. Life has taught me that it is the dreams that we hold close to our hearts that make our lives interesting and worth living.

But there are times when we wish we could do the impossible, and laugh at what would happen if we could. Read on and continue to dream.

JUN ESCARIO, fashion designer: W
ildest dream: winning an $800 million lottery (if there’s such a thing), buying my own island and hanging out with my friends Karl, Tom, Stefano (Pilati) and Marc (Jacobs).

GELA LAUREL, makeup stylist:
My wildest dream would be to wake up one day, able to speak different languages, and find myself doing improv comedy all over the world.  Just to make people laugh. That would be my contribution to the world.

CATHY DA ROZA, ad sales director, ABS-CBN Publishing:
My wildest dream is to go on a trip (six months minimum!) to explore exotic places, like Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Greece, Turkey, Monaco, Egypt, and Africa (to name a few). I want to see and feel the history and culture of each country, city or town, and of course stay at the best hotels with my honey!!! (That part is censored!!)

My wildest dream is to be invited to compete on the show Iron Chef America against Mario Batali who I admire very much. The "secret ingredient" for that day will be mangoes used in appetizers, soup, first and second courses, and dessert.

LIZA ILARDE CUENCA, editor in chief, Jet Set magazine:
My wildest dream is, for the rest of my life, to be able to travel first class to all the countries I’ve never been to with free accommodations and a great tour guide to take me to all the best shopping places, restaurants, historical sites and interesting landmarks. Someone else to pay the credit card bills wouldn’t hurt either.

HINDY WEBER-TANTOCO, designer, Rustan’s Culte Femme & U-Swim:
To breathe under water; to fly; to be a kung fu master; and to heal the critical or chronic ailments of humans and animals with a simple touch.

 The first two I know I will never achieve, so I let them be. The third is something I like to toy around with every once in a while. The last is what I pray for every day. 

 I also dream of a time when harmony reigns in the world.  Sadly, that falls under a "wildest dream" category right now.

JOJO URQUICO, stage actor:
Wildest dream? Threesome with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

I guess that teenagers have their dreams. I’ve had that dream of becoming a rock star, of being an actress/model/singer. A model, a doctor, a CEO, a lawyer, and so on. These are all fantastic aspirations, although I’ve noticed that I dream the most about my passions. It would be such a cliché to state that I wish the world would finally attain its goal of world peace. My ultimate wildest dream is to fulfill each and every goal that I have set for myself. To go after my dreams, not chase them. To be able to please all those whom I love, and who love me by making them happy, by making the right choices. My wildest dream is to make a difference.

CARLOS SANTOS CONCEPCION, model/ aspiring actor/apprentice designer (Viktor Jeans):
My wildest dream would probably be when I finally feel I have fully achieved all the things I am working on now and am content, then I could move to Hawaii, marry my beautiful wife, open up a burger shack by the beach, have my kids running around in the sand and gain a decent potbelly.

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