Touched by an angel story

Despite the turbulence and weird happenings last year, I still consider 2003 a good year. For me, the unprecedented response to the articles in this column helped make it so. Receiving your text messages, e-mail and phone calls affirm that people do read "Living Alive" and find information, fun, pleasure, and lessons in it. Sometimes I feel like giving up because writing can be very taxing, especially the challenge of coming up with a continuous flow of worthwhile topics. But your kind messages keep me on my toes week after week, inspiring and encouraging me. My heartfelt thanks go to you, The Philippine Star reader.

Today, we spotlight some of the e-mails and comments sent in by our readers. Communication, after all, is not a one-way street. Feedback is essential because it completes the cycle of communication plus it is definitely enlightening and rewarding to hear from the other side!
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English Language, Whither Thou Goest?
I wrote about how we seem to be losing our proficiency in English and becoming negligent with our grammar and spelling because of cell phone texting in my article "Is Texting Making Us Dumber?" (The Philippine Star Sunday Life, October 5) Here’s an amazing response from one of our readers:

Hi Dero, I read your column about 2 weeks ago re: Euro English. I guess this one is also fantastic.

How wreid is tihs?

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig!

More power, Alma Rojas
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Article Most Responded To
Last year, the article which many people responded to was entitled "Are you aware of the angels around you?" (The Philippine Star Sunday Life, December 14). It was about the major life lesson of entrepreneur Les Reyes who lost his 20-year-old son, Christian, to a gunman who wanted to snatch his cell phone. After shooting young Christian, the snatcher fled without bothering to take the cell phone. Les realized that he had an angel living under his roof for 20 years but failed to acknowledge him and his goodness. Les makes an appeal for parents to show their love to their children before it’s too late.

Here are some of our readers’ comments:

Hi, this is my very first time to text a stranger. I just can’t help but let you know that I was deeply touched by your article today in The Philippine Star. It made me cry, really. – Cris Cruz, Subic

I was gathering the unread dailies for the past three days when I chanced upon your article as it aroused my curiosity (because of the title) regarding "angels around you." I was deeply moved and touched that tears blinded my eyes as I finished reading the article. Truly, we only have to develop the sensitivity to feel and realize the "angels" around us that we may have overlooked as a result of our busy lives. – Cila Salonga

I was so touched by your article on angels. I cried. Thank you very much. I missed my late wife. – Jessy Lopez, Baguio

Thanks for a very enlightening article "Are you aware of the angels around you?" Love should be given to all – even if it isn’t Christmas – before it’s too late. Maybe after then, we’ll have peace on earth!" – Gregorio Roxas
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Kind Words
I would like to thank everyone for the kind words they sent. You don’t know how much these messages mean to me!

Your article is always being waited on every Sunday. Very informative – I’ve been sharing them every Monday with friends. Keep on inspiring us – especially during these difficult times. – Peedi Aranas, Cebu

Hi Dero! I’m your avid fan. I never miss reading "Living Alive!" Next to God, your articles keep me going and hopeful. You are doing great and helping the hopeless. – Celia R. Valmonte

Here I am, reading some of your best articles that I have collected and I can’t help but cry and sometimes laugh. Dero, I consider you as one of my best friends from afar. Thanks for being there always. – Marlene Soriano

Dero dear, "The Wealthy Mind" is a great article. It’s an addition to my collection of your great articles. Keep up the good work. God bless you. –Your avid reader and fan, Nancy Puentespina Berame, Calawisan, Lapu-lapu City

Thanks for a very inspiring article in the December 21 issue of The Philippine Star. I value your column because of your extremely positive thinking. We need more people like you here. I am a Norwegian citizen living by choice in your wonderful country. My wife is from Bulacan. – Dr. A. Buch, PH.D.
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Nasty Still Making The Internet Rounds
Remember Nasty, the "ex-Filipino" balikbayan from Los Angeles with the bitchy words and biting sarcasm that drew many mixed reactions when the article came out ("The Philippines is a nation of star-struck ignoramuses," The Philippine Star, October 29, 2000)? Believe it or not, that article is still burning the Internet wires. The recent e-mails I received were from Canada, Australia and some European countries and many more are asking for copies of the article.

Nasty lambasted the Filipino’s penchant for electing show business folks to government offices (among other Filipino shortcomings). I really wonder what he has to say now that "da king" FPJ is running for president of the republic. Hmm. Paging Nasty. Do you hear us?
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I’d love to hear from you! For your comments, suggestions and inquiries, call/text 0920-4053233 or e-mail DeroSeminars

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