A New Year’s resolution and a prayer

I have a truly different resolution this year which might sort of shock you. (Parental guidance is recommended. Kids below 13 should immediately go to the comics section.) Ready? Hold your breath.

I resolve to be more sensuous and enjoy my physicality and sensuality this year. (As if it were a new thing, well, it’s not.) Then, listen up – because I wish everyone would resolve to do the same. You must explore and enjoy your physicality. But before someone crucifies me, let me explain.

Many illnesses and neuroses afflict mankind because we have been denying ourselves the beautiful, natural and pleasurable enjoyment of our sensuality. Most of us are still living in the Puritan Age because that is how we were taught to conduct ourselves by our parents and they, in turn, by the folks before them. We have been trained to control and extinguish (sigh!) our natural sensual and physical urges. We have built rigid armors around our bodies that are now writhing in pain, crying out to break free.

These days, there is so much tension and anger inside people because they can’t find expression and release of their sensual frustrations. I am talking of positive, creative and loving expression here, not just any destructive, uncontrolled, and neurotic release. Any unreleased tension or desire soon finds itself in the form of some horrible disease that makes doctors and drug makers rich.

You must realize that we all are physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and very importantly, sensual beings. Being sensual encompasses our total physicality, including our sexuality. Man, after all, is a sexual being. Or else the human race won’t continue to exist. You should also realize that it is man’s sensuality that is responsible for most (if not all) of the great art in the world. Sensuality is what makes us love; sensuality makes us create. It makes us crave to propagate our species till the end of time.

But relax. Before you organize a censorship committee, be advised that this is just one of the many resolutions on my list. And let me stress that the sensuality I am referring to here is the sublime and responsible kind. It is the sensuality that heals and makes us whole. Mind, body, spirit and all. And especially when love is added to this sensuality, then it becomes truly powerful.

Before we get into more "surfeit of verbiage," let me share with you my list of personal resolutions which I will be reciting daily as a prayer. I encourage you to recite it, too. Feel free to add to the list or remove that which shocks or repels you. It’s my original counterpart of the Prayer of Jabez.
Dero’s Prayer
I will start each day with a thanksgiving prayer and slowly savor the very first breaths I take.

I will make up my mind to be happy with whatever comes my way. But I will certainly improve those things which I have the power to change.

I will not take myself, others, and life too seriously. I will enjoy the ride with its crests and troughs, joys and flaws.

I will feast moderately and enjoy good, fresh, nutritious food. I will think of my health first before being tempted by the viand’s taste.

I will buy flowers at least once a week. If not, I would visit a flower market to appreciate the bursts of color, variety and beauty of the blooms on display.

I will take time to stop and look at the clouds, feel the sunshine on my face, and dance in the rain even when someone is looking.

I resolve to be more sensual and succulent, and deliciously naughty. How could sensuality be sinful when God made it to feel so good?

I will take sensuous baths and immerse my body in luxurious foams and soothing bath oils to ease my nerves and wash my cares away.

I will wear soft, comfortable shoes all year round. What is good for the sole is good for the spirit!

I will make a conscious effort to make other people happy. I want to see the sparkle in their eyes and the joy on their faces!

I will say "Hi!" to strangers. I believe a wide smile can broaden a narrow mind!

I will accept people as they are and not be judgmental in any way.

I will praise more and criticize less. There’s better use for my time than criticizing and sour-graping.

I won’t care so much about what others say. It’s me I am living for and not for anybody else. As long as I don’t hurt anyone and my self-respect is intact, I’m okay!

I will make money, enjoy it, not feel guilty about it, and share its blessings with others.

I will own objects that I desire in my mind.
I do not have to physically own things to enjoy them. I’ll have imaginary museums, collections, libraries and audio recordings in my mind!

I will dream more and achieve more.

I will endeavor to touch more lives. The more people I connect with and help, the richer my life!

I will spread love and joy wherever I go. What I give out will return to me a million-fold!

I will end every day with praise and thanks, and plan my to-do list for the coming day.

So help me God. Amen
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For once in your life, treat yourself to something that will enhance the way you think, feel and live. For info regarding the empowering seminars "Make Your Impossible Dreams Come True!" (Jan 18) and "Money, Money! Secret Principles of Money & Prosperity" (Jan 22), e-mail DeroSeminar@yahoo.com or text/call 0920-4053233. The reprinting, recording or publishing of this article in any form requires copyright permission from the author.

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