Who is the private Sharon Cuneta?

Here are some little known facts about the most written-about woman in Philippine show business. As evident in her friends’ reminisces, Megastar Sharon Cuneta has remained simple, normal and oh-so-human in spite of, and maybe because of, her unparalleled fame and the public adulation for the past 25 years.

As she celebrates her silver year with a shebang (The Mega Event on Aug. 16 and 17 at the Araneta Coliseum), Shawie (as she is fondly called by friends) will surely be surrounded by her closest buddies, the people who know her not just as a multi-talented, multi-media megastar, but also as a multi-faceted woman: Mom, wife, sister, mother and devoted friend.

Zsa Zsa Padilla, friend:
As a singer, she’s very good. I admire her. Hers is one of the most beautiful voices in the local scene. I think it’s because she has been singing since age 12. Very clean voice. Amazing memory. She has a good ear. If you teach her a new melody, she can master it quickly. As a friend, she’s intensely loyal. Malambing. Demonstrative. She’s not afraid to show her emotions. We both love food! We love eating out. We used to order Mango Jubilee, our favorite dessert.

Marni Ocampo, president, Sari-Sari Store:
The private Sharon? She loves to stay at home rather than party – if ever she goes out she would rather attend small parties where she’ll be comfortable just being herself than being on display. She likes cooking and baking and this is her way of comforting herself. When her father died, she coped by baking the whole day. Iyak nang iyak pero bake to death! Tuloy ang dami niyang bitbit na cakes sa wake. She likes the simple life. She really wants to experience the normal way of life. I think her greatest wish is to be able to go shopping in Divisoria! She is very passionate and a very loyal and true friend. She has fear of God and she has love of family and she takes care of her mom. We have a private joke about her diet. She despairs that she has not been able to influence me to lose weight. She has given me all her diet secrets – pero heto pa rin ako. Kasi I told her na hindi niya ibinigay ang pinaka-important sa diet – her willpower!

Philip Cuazon Jr.,childhood friend:
Sharon can be very witty during unexpected moments. Our day is not complete when we don’t text each other. We’ve been best friends for the past 10 years but we’ve known each other since we were kids. My mom is her ninang kasi. She really goes out of her way for her friends. She has supported me in all my business endeavors. She, in fact, attended the opening of my McDonald’s branch along Roxas Boulevard in 1985! I will be forever grateful to her for all that she has done for me. She calls me Anya (Chinese for brother); I call her Siobe (little Chinese sister). I am honored and proud to be her best friend out of showbiz.

Olive Isidro-Cruz, vocal coach:
What keeps us together are our get-togethers and our common love for food. She loves to cook for friends. She really takes pride in and enjoys serving food she cooked herself to friends. I think her ultimate dream is to be a plain housewife. And when we eat, we won’t settle for just one dish. We love to experiment and try new dishes. When she was pregnant, all her friends gained weight. I told her then that her baby might become scared of a rubber ducky, after all the Peking ducks we ate when she was preggy. As a friend, she is someone you can always rely on. When you confide to her, she will never spill your secrets. I went through a lot in my life and I was able to prove that when the going gets tough, she would always be there for me. Even if we don’t see each other, I am confident that the level of our friendship, the intensity of our love for each other will never diminish.

Maricar Ong, sales, Viva:
She’s very simple. She’ll be very happy if you give her simple things – like little trinkets with musical notes. She was the one who gave me the nickname Macky. Now, everyone calls me by that pet name. That’s why she came with a new secret name that only the two of us would know. She’s really very sweet. I can’t forget this: Once, she promised to make applesauce for me. She always raved about how delicious it is when spread on grilled food. One day, I was surprised when I received a bottle of homemade applesauce in my office. And she made it herself, from scratch! She keeps her promises, no matter how busy she is. She also loves treating her friends and co-workers in restaurants after a taping, shooting or promo work. That’s why there was a time I gained weight.

Fanny Serrano, stylist:
If I throw a party for celebrities, I’ll invite Sharon as official photographer. It’s because it’s really fun for her to take pictures. And this Fuji girl is very organized, so each guest is assured a copy. Sharon, in fact, has pictures of all my salons and houses – from Annapolis and Connecticut streets to my present addresses on Scout Rallos and in New Manila. And all these photos are neatly compiled in a photo album. As expected, when we visited her new house, she took pictures of every corner.

Sandra Chavez, president, Artist House:
I am in awe of her because of her gift as an artist. But on a more intimate level, as a friend, she is just as inspiring. Although she’s a megastar with a very busy schedule, she really makes time for her friends. In fact, she loves to surprise her friends. She’s never predictable. The only thing predictable about Sharon is that she genuinely cares for her friends. Even ordinary things and situations, she can make extraordinary. Like the gifts she gives us always turn out to be our favorites! She knows even the tiny details. I feel so privileged and blessed to have a Sharon Cuneta in my life.

Eloisa Matias, executive producer, The Mega Event:
After working with her all these years (since 1988), I’ve noticed that she is at her best when under pressure. Her photographic memory, in fact, becomes stronger when accompanied by anxiety and tension. She is able to recall all her spiels, all the lyrics of her songs. She really has unbelievable memory. She can even remember a conversation we had 10 to 11 years ago. She can recall where we had that talk and what I said at that time! Incredible! She’s really one of a kind. She even remembers the gifts she gave my children – her godchildren! Ako nga, I’m the mother but I’ve already forgotten. Not Sharon though. She keeps the presents she gave in mind so that she would not give the same things the following year.

Lorraine Mendoza-Recto, friend since Grade 2:
When we were kids, we watched the movie The Promise in a Pasay theater. We brought as our baon, manggang hilaw with matching bagoong (green mangoes with shrimp paste) as our snack. Her favorite actress then was Tatum O’Neil. We even saw International Velvet together.

Beth Co, Marcella’s:
She’s like a little girl when she’s sick, like a little chick looking for the mother hen. Looking for TLC. During one of our trips for a provincial concert tour, she was burning with fever – 39 or 40 degrees, if I remember correctly. But as a performer, she adhered to the saying "The show must go on." So she still went onstage and gave her best. I found that admirable. As her fever went up, she became more and more like a little girl. She’s so cute. After the show, she went straight to the hospital.

Sandy Santamaria, associate producer, Viva Films:
Many people know that her favorite brands are Chanel, Prada and Vuitton. What many don’t know is that she also appreciates and uses local brands – yung iba nga hindi kilala. At times, during shootings, our production designer buys her sandals to match her blouse and pants. If she likes the sandal’s design and if she finds them comfortable, she really expresses her appreciation and offers to buy the pair after the shooting. She’s also very organized, patient in writing down important places she reads about in magazines and memorable quotations she receives via text in her organizer. She also keeps a diary of her daily activities and schedules. When she wants to look for something, she simply refers to her Green Book. She also has a strong faith in God. And when she asks for something from the Lord, she’s not abusado. She doesn’t ask for much. And she is very thankful for all her blessings. That’s why she always puts "God Bless" when she signs autographs. That’s her way of thanking the Lord and asking Him to bless others.

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