Sophia’s choice: Mixing dance with theater

Sophia Zobel-Elizalde has probably talked about every little detail of her newly constructed dance studio countless times. Journalists, contractors, dance students (and their parents) come to visit and talk to the prominent owner of Steps studio quite often. But instead of the jaded, standard answers one would expect from someone bearing such well-touted names, this danseuse‘s face lights up each time she’s asked about her latest "baby."

Moving from its previous location on Mayapis Street in Makati, to a large compound along Pasong Tamo Extension, Steps Studio boasts of improved facilities and a top-notch dance curriculum (with some classes taught by Sophia herself). Savvy businesswoman that she is, she took people’s friendly comments and suggestions regarding her former studio seriously. Nothing but the best for her students! So within two months, she pushed and worked towards the Jan. 14 opening of her spacious new studio – an impressive establishment with roomier rehearsal halls, beautifully designed lockers/shower rooms, and comfortable waiting areas. The dance school’s 150 enrollees – and their parents – couldn’t be happier.

Among the more persistent suggestions that came Sophia’s way last year was to include a musical theater class in the Steps curriculum. "Parents were always coming up to me, asking for a theater class for their kids to take during the summer or throughout the year," she relates. "And I completely agreed. When I studied dance abroad, I had to learn everything including singing and acting. Performers are really well-rounded abroad. And that’s what I want my school to offer eventually – well-rounded training in all aspects of the performing arts. Unfortunately, musical theater is simply not my line! That’s why I called on my good friend Audie Gemora to help me out in this area."

Fully aware that Trumpets Playshop was the best-equipped and the best-attended theater workshop in the country, Sophia asked Audie (who heads Trumpets) to consider a possible link-up with Steps. "Audie says his perennial problem with Playshop is space – specifically the lack of it. Playshop has grown so much these last few years that they are constantly in search of new spaces in which to hold their workshops."

"Well, space is something I have plenty of! So I thought, why can’t they hold some of their classes Here?" With infectious energy, Sophia proceeds to relate how perfect the set-up is, with theater classes now complementing her dance classes. The musical theater students can choose to stick to theater, or cross-enroll in any of the many different dance classes Steps offers. Serious students, as well as mere enthusiasts, can now expand their experience and training in the performing arts like never before.

Blessed with all the ingredients for successful partnership, this summer will prove to be an exciting first for both Steps and Playshop. After all, it was only a matter of time before this team-up became a reality. As early as eight or nine years ago, Sophia had already suggested to Audie, however casually, to start theater workshops for his then budding theater group. Today, it is no coincidence that Playshop is now the top choice in theater training, and Steps is the top dance in the country. Such a partnership can only yield the best talent and training the dance and theater worlds have to offer. With such a noteworthy team-up already well underway, could a full-length, major joint-production be far behind? That would certainly be something to see.
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For details, inquire at the Trumpets office at the 6th level, parking lot entrance, Shangri-La Plaza Mall or call 636-2842 and 633-5010.

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