Power Plant Mall turns on the love for Mom

MANILA, Philippines - The Power Plant Mall at Rockwell Center treats moms until May 8. Ongoing at the South Court is Picture Perfect, a photo exhibit by Raymond Isaac, Wig Tysmans, Jim Paredes, Sara Black, Ross Capili, Edwin Loyola, John Chua, Mandy Navasero, Edwin Tuyay and Pilar Tuason.

On Mother’s Day, May 8, take the family to lunch and let your mom be serenaded by a talented father-son duo at the Concourse Level. Early in the afternoon, the North Court turns into a big leisure and activity space from 1 to 7 p.m. Miele gives away cookies and holding a workshop on cupcake design. Mothers get a chance to receive special treats on the spot, provided by Power Plant Mall tenants like Shu Uemura, The Spa, Dorothy Perkins and Trucco. Shu Uemura stages a Beauty Workshop at 5 p.m., The Spa is giving massage sessions, and the Power Plant Cinema gives away free popcorn buckets every hour.

Call 898-1702 or visit Power Plant Mall on Facebook www.facebook.com/PowerPlantMall.

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