Pomeranians Liempo and Pritchon reveal the private life of Divine Lee and Victor Basa

Uber-stylish power couple Divine Lee and Victor Basa is the epitome of the new set of young, fashionable and cool showbiz personalities. They are successful, social media-savvy, manage to cross over industries with ease and more importantly, never take themselves too seriously and always know how to have fun.

The ultimate “slasher” Divine is a host for TV5’s Showbiz Police and writes for Kristn.com while taking her master’s through Durham University’s distance learning program and continuing to oversee her clothing retailer Luca. As if her plate isn’t full enough already, she is the face of several ad campaigns, regularly updates her own blog (www.divinemlee).com and is a staunch supporter of LGBT rights and her Childhaus Charity.

Not to be outdone, Victor Basa also has his plate full with his recent soap opera My Husband’s Lover and movie for the Metro Manila Film Festival, Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martyr. He also keeps up with his own blog, www.victorbasa.net, and his podcast (www.geekynights.com) while getting ready for a US tour this November and December for his soap. Between all that work, it’s no wonder they truly enjoy downtime with their furry Poms Liempo and Pritchon at home.

“I was always a dog person,” shares Divine. “I had a 19-year-old baby boy and an 18-year-old baby girl. My 19-year-old was the oldest living Shih Tzu in the Philippines when he was still alive! I spent most of my life with them — they saw me through every phase of my life. I would never have bought a new puppy for myself when my two babies went to “rainbow bridge” (doggie heaven). So it’s good that V got Liempo and Pritchon for us!”

“I had a dog before but I wasn’t really a dog person,” explains Victor. “I sensed that Divine’s 19-year-old Shih Tzu was getting old already so I got her a puppy (Liempo). At first I was hesitant because I wasn’t sure if another dog could be taken care of, but once Liempo and I bonded, I knew that I was changed ... for good!”

As with most doggie stories, it’s love at first sight. We don’t choose them; they choose us. It wasn’t any different for Victor and Divine, who found their pups with Canton Pomeranians. “We saw more than 50 puppies, but he was the shy one,” says Victor. “We didn’t get him right away. But when I got home, I was still thinking about Liempo repeatedly and I went back for him. He was the sheepish one in the bunch. Pritchon, on the other hand, is the playful girl — extroverted and sociable. She already got Divine’s attention when she jumped and reached for her.” 

When asked why they gave their fluffy fur kids unusual names, Divine replies, “I love food and I don’t like common names. Dogs are supposed to make people smile. And even without them doing anything, people are already laughing because of their names. Walking on High Street we get smiles when we call them. They are as unique as their names, and they bring smiles to everyone they meet.”

Name: Liempo

Age: 2.5 years, male

Breed: Pomeranian

Name: Pritchon

Age: 1.5 years, female

Breed: Pomeranian

PHILIPPINE STAR: Describe yourself in three words.

Liempo: Bashful, protective, mom calls me pilyo.

Pritchon: Fabulous, clingy, peckish at times (at all times).

Describe your relationship with your humans. What do you guys like to do together? How do you get to spend time with each other? Is one if you closer to one or the other?

L: I’m not as friendly as Prit. I bark a lot, but only to get your attention. Humans are cool. Although I’m very close to mom’s friends, I get mad when people (pretend) to attack them. I think Mom’s friends are making this a game with me already. Hmm...

P: Humans are cool! They give me treats. Dad’s friends are too quiet but they are always too slow for my kisses. It’s my life mission to kiss everyone. The boys never know I’m about to kiss them; I always get to sneak kisses from Dad’s friends. I love manangs, too. I just need to act cute and they give me extra treats.

L: I like chasing Prit all over the house. We like pullling Mommy’s pajamas out of the closet. Prit can be too kulit but I’m always her number-one protector. A small whimper from her and I’m already barking and finding the culprit of whoever made her cry.

P: I steal Liempo’s treats. He likes “pretend digging” to hide the treat. I’m always too quick for him. I love Liempo! I love him so much that I think I annoy him when I kiss and jump over him at times. Oh, yeah, I wake him up a lot.

Name one time you got into major trouble and how you got out of it.

L: I jumped from the couch. I broke my leg and had to be in a cast for two months. Mommy was too worried to get mad at me. And Daddy hand-fed me daily. I actually tried to do it again, but Mom changed all the throw pillows already. Hmm...

P: I love the manangs’ slippers! I chew them till they get really soft. Manang got mad but Dad got me out of trouble and gave the manangs new pairs! Cool dad, huh?

What’s a typical day like for you guys?

L: I wake up late and I sleep beside Mommy. She always wants to wake me up when she goes to the gym, so I always go under the blankie to hide when she showers. I like extended aircon time. I play a lot during the day and I like hiding treats from Pritchon (check the couch but don’t tell Prit).

P: Dream about food. Eat. Dream about food some more. I get a lot of brushing time, which I enjoy because my hair tangles fast. Run around the house!

What are your fave hobbies?

L: I like playing with balls! We also like walks with mom and dad on High Street!

P: But Liempo still doesn’t understand “fetch” (he wont give it back to Mommy). I know fetch. But usually too slow for Liempo. 

Both your parents are super-stylish celebrities! Can you describe how you keep up? Any secret tips on keeping your beautiful coat so nice and fluffy? Who’s the more maarte doggie?

L: You should see our closet! I have a lot of statement shirts! I don’t like wearing kicks, though. My fur is rougher compared to Prit, but that adds to my macho charm. Mom uses organic shampoo on me. My skin is so sensitive.

P: I have a triple coat so I need to go to my parlor a lot. Mommy even brings me to her friend Tess. She’s the best one in Manila, I heard. Liempo is fond of statement shirts; I’m more a skirts girl. I have all the colors of tutus! I’m more maarte but that’s fine ’cause I’m girly-girly. I enjoy mom’s scented shampoos and powders!

Do you have any close celeb doggie friends that you hang out with?

P&L: We went to Tagaytay with Allegra, Ninong Nix and Rajo’s doggie!

Your favorite place to hang in the afternoon?

P: Anywhere with aircon. Or the cold tiles!

L: If Mommy’s home, lap time! But I usually chill by the living room (more action there).

Your fave food? 

P&L: We get doggy food. But we like the canned doggy food!

And if you could have anything in the world, even “forbidden” stuff, what would be your ultimate meal?

P&L: French fries. Mom got food delivery one time and went out of the room to get utensils. We stole her fries. Now every time we see or smell food delivery, we always go crazy ... and partly hoping she’ll leave again so we can have some of her fries.

Describe your dream vacation and where would it be?

L: We both want to go to the beach.

P: Dad is planning to bring mom to The Farm and of course, we will go with them! 

What would be your ultimate happy moment?

P: When Mom does her makeup, I usually stay with her in the bathroom. That’s our bonding time. I like sleeping beside mom. She always gives my “scratchies” on my belly.

L: We have hugs time. Where Dad and Mom hug us both! 

Also please share five secret things about your humans that only you would know.

1. They like making songs about their doggies’ names.

2. They are huggers.

3. They are never mad for a long time.

4. They smile easily.

5. They pretend they don’t like your kisses, but they really do.

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