Clooney the Yorkshire Terrier on life at home with Stephanie Kienle Gonzalez

The first time I met with this handsome Yorkshire Terrier was some years back in my garden. Clooney was a bundle of energy, running around the grass, able to keep up with me and my larger strides. My mom and his mom, Stephanie Kienle Gonzalez, are best friends, so it’s absolutely natural that we spent some time together. He even stayed over once in our home while they were on vacation. Clooney or “Cloon the Goon,” as many close friends call him, hung out with us like he was an immediate part of the family. He loves staying in high places, always jumping onto the nearest chair or table to get a better view of life. 

His parents are some of the chicest people I know. His father and mother, Christian and Stephanie, are always impeccably dressed and well traveled. As Stephanie works with her family’s furniture design firm Philux, Clooney has the chance to live in a gorgeous apartment. The place is a tasteful mix of natural materials and varying shades of gray and beige with beautiful artwork and warm pops of color. With his silky gray and beige coat, he fits right in. Picture-perfect and a total camera hog, the four-year-old Yorkie often pops up in the photo shoots of his glam mother. With those looks he could put the famous Cesar Westie image model to shame.

PHILIPPINE STAR: Tell us more about your name?

CLOONEY: According to my mom, my dad almost bought a Chihuahua and named him Cesar!  Lucky for me I charmed them! Well, I remember my parents bought a book of pet names and couldn’t find any to suit me … when they saw my gorgeous salt-and-pepper coat they decided to name me after the ultimate salt-and-pepper hunk: George Clooney. Fitting. don’t you think?

I agree! George is lucky you’re named after him. Describe yourself in three words.

Adventurous, loving, playful.

For the longest time you were the “star of the show.” Now your parents have had a little girl named Andrea. How is it to suddenly have another baby in the family? Did you have a hard time adjusting to not being the only baby?

It has been quite a change having a baby around. There is obviously some adjusting to be done, but nothing I can’t handle.

Name one time you got into major trouble and how you got out of it.

All I have to do is wag my tail and make my puppy-dog eyes and I get out it … except for the one time I ate a pair of high heels. That was rough.

Oh, yes. The Louboutins? I heard about that one. I personally was taught to avoid all kinds of shoes very early on. My mom’s eyes and stern look speak volumes as soon as I even smell a shoe!

I’ve definitely learned my lesson!

Who’s the real master at home?

It used to be me, but now it’s the baby of the house!

What’s it like to live in an apartment?

I enjoy apartment living because I often go on walks — at least twice a day. So I get the best of house living and apartment living!

What are your fave hobbies?

Playing with our neighbor Pomeranian Mishka and going on walks, especially in Baguio.

Oh, yes, you often go up there! Lucky you! I can’t stand car rides.

I love the adventure!

What about your fave food? And if you could have anything in the world, even forbidden stuff, what would be your ultimate meal?

I wouldn’t know. (Sad face) I’m on a strict dog food and doggie treats diet.

That must be sad, but hey! You look amazing!

No pain, no gain.

Describe your dream vacation and where would it be?

I would like to join my parents in Africa one day!  Run in the savannah! But I’m scared of the lions.

What is your ultimate happy moment?

At 8 p.m. when I cuddle by the corner of my parents’ bed sheets for a good night’s rest.

Please share with us a few intimate things about your human!

My mom is usually out all day. On occasion she will make it back in the afternoon and prepare me for a walk around the block. Family walks are important, especially since the new baby is around. On weekends we all walk together to brunch. When she is out of the country, I stay with lolo and lola — I have to say I love it there because my playmate Mishka is around and they treat me like a king. I don’t like sharing many of my mom’s secrets, though I know them all, because I am the only one who sees her getting dressed in her closet!


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