Never too late: Valerie, Jolo, Sunshine graduate from college

Actors Sunshine Cruz, Jolo Revilla and Valerie Concepcion
Screenshots from Instagram/Sunshine Cruz, Jolo Revilla and Valerie Concepcion

MANILA, Philippines — Education is a treasure that cannot be stolen, and even celebrities who chose their showbiz career first know this old saying as they graduated from college this year.

Cavite Vice Governor and actor Jolo Revilla, actress Valerie Concepcion and sexy mom Sunshine Cruz posted on their Instagram accounts their new achievements in life.

With a degree in Legal Management from Lyceum of the Philippines, Jolo wrote: “Being a public servant, actor and a student all at the same time is a great challenge. Pero tulad ng marami sa inyo, I made it. Kapag ginusto, kahit mahirap, hindi lang kakayanin, mapagtatagumpayan pa!”

In another post, Jolo honored his family.

“To my mom, accept my love and gratitude. To my dad, this is my advanced Father's Day gift to you. To my friends and loved ones, along with people who helped me up the steps of the ladder to reach this moment, I humbly share this milestone which will always remind me that at the face of challenges, you believed that I can make it,” Jolo wrote.

Now a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology graduate from Arellano University, Valerie said she is happy to finally have a degree.

“I want to thank my loved ones who supported me and pushed/inspired me to finish my studies. I also want to thank my professors, classmates and the ETEEAP program of #ArellanoUniversity for helping me make my dream of finishing college come true. I am so so so happy to finally have a degree!  ALL GLORY TO GOD! @arellanouniversitymain #Arellanite #auchiefs #milestone #nevergiveup,” Valerie wrote.

Although Sunshine made school wait as she joined show business in her teenage years, the now 40-year-old actress has proven that there is no time table for education as she posted her diploma from her degree in Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in Arellano University.

In the post, she said, quoting B.B. King: “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”

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