Viva, birthday girl Vivina Chiu!

Birthday celebrant Vivina Chiu (center) with Tessie Lim, Susan Urgello, Meding Romero, Caring Noble

Vivina Chiu, Cebu’s much-loved and foremost pediatrician, celebrated her birthday with an intimate gathering of friends and family at the Granada Room of the Casino Español de Cebu. The festive Christmas setting and holiday camaraderie among the guests made the evening a truly memorable one.

Joy Santillan, Marjorie Coronel and Ricca Munsayac

In attendance were members of several civic organizations where doctora, as she is fondly known, is actively involved. Maia Franco, former president of the Arts Council of Cebu, and Jaime Picornell of the Amigos de España were among the early well-wishers. Also present were top executives from the Philippine Pharmaceutical companies Unilab and Biomedis.

Al Espejo and Reuel Jamon

The celebrant, who is known for her attention to detail, personally chose the menu that showcased the club’s specialties. They included callos, rib-eye steak, fish in green sauce and the traditional birthday noodles for long life.

John and Rowena Uy

Providing the evening’s entertainment was multi-talented pianist and violinist Alessio Benvenuti, who rendered pieces from Bach, Beethoven and several catchy melodies that were reminiscent of the romantic era.

Doctors Vicki Bael, Generoso Solano and Hope Valerie Torralba

Wrapping up the evening was the cutting of Vivina’s numerous cakes served with lively champagne toasts to many more years of dedicated service and happiness.

Violinist Alessio Benvenuti

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