More is more when it’s christmas

A classic Christmas never goes out of style. Red, green, lots of natural textures and a bit of gold.

A beautiful table during this festive time is just as important as the food itself, as it sets the right tone and mood for merry gatherings.

Christmas is one of the few seasons when one can completely embrace the “more is more” philosophy, especially when it comes to dressing up your holiday tables. It’s an invitation to entice your guests in a moment of indulgent escape from the busy trappings of the Blur-months and enjoy a moment of good food, good wine and lots of wonderful conversations with loved ones. A beautiful table during this festive time is just as important as the food itself, as it sets the right tone and mood for merry gatherings.

Here are some style inspirations for your next holiday gathering!

Classic Christmas

Floral arrangement: Use local pine foliage, eucalyptus, potted poinsettias in mercury silver glassware, atsuete fruit, red palong manok, berries, succulents and even bunched up red orchids. Add some pine cones and cinnamon sticks to amp up the Christmas factor.

Festive and fun filipino

Dress up your casual office parties or school salo-salo with this kitschy cute Filipino theme

Not all Christmas parties are formal; in fact, most of them are casual affairs. For your next office or school salo-salo don’t forsake the table décor. Take a cue from this super fun, carinderia-inspired setup by Boqueria Lifestyle Market. Embrace the kitsch with a colorful printed vinyl tablecloth, bright printed paper stars and fun paper trees. Add some local flavor with straw details like a straw hat or abaca placemats and a cute serving platter in the shape of a banana leaf. Keep your cutlery casual and functional, casually throw in cups or glasses and pair them with printed paper plates and napkins in holiday colors.

Floral arrangement: Keep things playful by making mono-floral arrangements in colorful tin cans. Simple greens, palong manok or even mums in the same color work well.

Blue and white

Bohemian blue and white is a fresh take on the holiday season. Add some shimmer for a winter wonderland touch.

I’m personally a huge fan of blue and white. From ginger jars to Morrocan tiles, I love the patterns that tell a graphic cultural story. More boho than Chinoiserie, this table setting, also by Boqueria Lifestyle Market, uses large inexpensive printed tiles to cover an old wooden table. Mix and match your blue-and-white tableware and dress things up with vintage silver and cut glass.  Reindeer, silver accents and fairy lights bring a touch of winter wonderland to your table.

Floral arrangement: Use a medley of bright greens to really make the blues pop. Layer your table so that there are different heights and textures. Throw in some ornamental balls and use battery powered fairy lights for some magical sparkle.

Eclectic contemporary glam

Eclectic contemporary glam: Make every day special by dressing up sleek, modern tableware with a lush and vibrant floral arrangement.

Not everyone has the time to gather all the elements together or a variety of tableware to choose from. This setting is all about highlighting the natural wood of the table and mixing and matching what you might have in your cupboard. Don’t be afraid to veer away from a themed look. Classic white plates with metallic rims will dress up any table all year round. Pair this with richly colored napkins with fun accent rings, some interesting glassware and sleek gold cutlery. However, the key to making all of this festive is to have a stunning centerpiece.

Floral arrangement: Make your centerpiece plush and ample by using boldly colored, lush flowers. Velvety palong manok with its vibrant sunset colors, rich succulents, deep-purple mums grouped together with generous foliage will draw yours guest’s eyes to the center. Feel free to explore whatever color scheme you wish as long as the arrangement is bountiful and abundant.

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