Banish hungry ghosts from your home

MANILA, Philippines - This year, the Hungry Ghost Festival falls between July 31 and August 28. The actual day of the Hungry Ghost Festival is August 13. In the month of the Hungry Ghost, it is said that yin energies reach a momentary balance with yang. The yin forces are very strong during this period.

When yin chi dominates a house, a ghost or local spirit will feel comfortable in it. A house containing too much yin is a dark house, with little sunlight and few windows. Houses built over or near gravesites are also attractive to ghosts and local spirits.

During the month of the Hungry Ghost, it is prudent to be extra careful when you are out at night, taking extra care when you drive, walk in busy streets or travel. According to Chinese culture, the time of year when hungry ghosts and local spirits are released from “hell” to roam freely is a dangerous month. They can cause great misfortune to those whose chi energy is depleted or whose luck is slow. It is thus a good idea during this month to have more yang than yin energy, so wearing bright colors is better than wearing somber colors during this time.

The best method to protect you is by using incense. Incense is believed to cleanse the energies in the air. Purification involves dissolving bad energy and transforming it into good energy. More importantly, it will appease the local spirits and hungry ghosts.

You can use any kind of fragrant incense. The best is to use Lawado incense or Himalayan or sandalwood incense. Burn the incense and walk around in a clockwise direction in the house from room to room and door to door. Let the fragrance spread in the air. Open all windows and doors to let the bad energy move out and also so that the fragrant smell can reach outside your house. Get an incense burner. You use the pine leaves and add incense into the incense burner in your garden. Let the fragrant smell permeate all over your house and compound. This will help to appease and purify the local spirits and hungry ghosts. Do this at least two times in the week so that it helps remove all the bad vibes and obstacles.

It is always good to wear protective amulets at all times, but especially during the Hungry Ghost month. Wear the Hum pendant, which represents the trinity of heaven, earth and mankind. It is believed to encompass the foundation for all prayers and mantras. Wearing it at your heart protects you from harm coming from the 10 directions. When you feel yourself in danger, just chant under your breath “hum, hum, hum, hum…”

For more information on the Hungry Ghost Month, call 0920-9509390 or visit any World of Feng Shui boutique. You may also visit

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