Of Saturn Cycles and a mineral cross

MANILA, Philippines - As a citi-zen of the cosmos, my Saturn Cycle has started to unfold. It is said that in this particular cycle, imperfections, shortcomings, as well as good deeds, bear fruit.

Time ticks by and this is made visual by the manmade clock synchronized to measure minutes and hours for all of mankind to acknowledge. Thus, in our modern-age encounters, time can give a diverse swing of feelings. When sadness or pain comes, time seems to drag on, making every minute feel like hours. On the other hand, joyful moments cannot seem to last long enough; they race away too fast. Saturn is sensitive to all living entities and the temper of time.

Saturn is also the faithful preserver of cosmic memory and the recorder of the entire history of the planetary system. For individuals, memories often lead back to the early years of one’s life.

In recognizing one very special memory from my childhood, I was finally able to execute two new works, derived and developed from intense and persistent flashbacks about wishes, dreams and imaginations from my younger years — all connected to one wondrous gift from nature: the sea.

I was born in a place surrounded by the ocean. I recall that as early as when I was five years old, I already had a strong affinity with the sea. My parents had brought me to the beach two times and I loved it. But as I grew older and developed my own set of friends within our neighborhood, permission was never granted to go with them to swim on weekends. My parents, who both became busy with their respective jobs, had forbidden me to go with them for fear that I would drown.

Every time my friends came back, they told me stories about the fun they had. One time it became so irresistible that I went with them without permission. I stayed in the water like I could not have enough of it, not realizing that four hours had gone by under the bright, shining sun. My face, arms and legs became brown and my shoulders got so burned that the skin peeled off in big patches. Being fair-skinned, I faced the music with my mother glaring at me like I was an abominable alien. That was my last date with the beach as a kid. I never learned how to swim.

The longing for the sea became so intense that all my dreams were related to the beach, the sea and swimming. At daytime, I imagined the sea to be near me even if I was on the other side and quite far away from the breakwater. As if it were real, I was feeling the splash of the rolling waves on my skin.

These thoughts and dreams coming from different times of my youth revealed themselves in various elements that formed the artworks. It was a serene yet alert and joyful process of creation.

In my cosmic journey into my next life, I know I will be born a natural swimmer.

I will be an artist again and my karmic wish to be a pipeline surfer will be fulfilled.

Wave Ii And The Mineral Cross

I grew up incessantly wondering about many things … from the flowers and the soil I played with to the food I ate, the birds and butterflies that kept coming to our balcony and garden, and how the day becomes night after every so many hours. When I encountered something, many questions would always go on in my head.

When I had chemistry as a subject in secondary school, I had no interest in it other than to have passing grades. I can still vividly visualize the catatonic stare of our teacher whenever she walked into the classroom and stood in front of us. She obviously connected more with the blackboard rather than with her students, seemingly lost in poking the chalk on its surface with her notes and solutions. She spoke without enthusiasm and if she ever did describe the physiology of life and transformation, her lifeless monologue consistently gave me an ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) attack — a syndrome not yet identified at that time. My brain simply wandered towards other matters.

I feel very blessed to have encountered Dr. Rudolf Hauschka some 10 years back and way into my ongoing Saturn Cycle. In getting to know him through his books, his most significant ones to me are: The Nature of Substance, Spirit and Matter, and Nutrition. I am thoroughly grateful for his constructive influence on my now upbeat view about chemistry.

I cannot thank him enough for the unexpected change in my personal behavior and outlook on life. Sadly I can no longer meet him in person to express my gratitude, but I am full of hope that I will do so in one of our future incarnations. Right now, I am in eternal awe of what I have learned about the exquisite existence of all living things (including those that may not be physically attractive according to present standards set by the “developed” man) and the cosmic order that brings about everything physical and astral around us.

Dr. Hauschka has brightened my life beyond what words can describe. It is like I have been reborn with a new perspective — one of deeper love and respect for everything that manifests into physical form, as well as those of the etheric and heavenly. In understanding that all this is made possible through the benevolent intervention of the higher world, whatever I learned, if I may humbly call it wisdom, enabled me to fully trust whatever comes clear of fear. Above all, to acquire the special feeling for things not of material form that I cannot see yet absolutely, without doubt, believe in, is also one priceless gift.

The “Mineral Cross” represents the minerals that all living things are made of and where all will return and vanish once again into the higher world.

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