
At first sight, you will definitely do a double take. Then upon hearing her name, there’s a fair chance you could beg her pardon and ask it again, because, for one, if you’re a woman, you just might be catty enough to think it’s a screen handle, and two, if you’re a man, you’d thank your good fortune for being introduced to the actress called Bubbles Paraiso, as in like “soapy paradise.” Either way, the name sounds a little phony, a bit too caramelized, and therefore it must be contrived.

Actually, it’s not. It is her real name — baptized in church as Pilar Angela Dominguez Paraiso, and then endearingly christened at home by her parents for making baby mouth-bubbles. Twenty-two years later, she’s creating a different kind of bubble, the type that causes fanatical waves. From modeling, she effortlessly made the natural transition to acting. Now, she can be seen on television every day, playing the role of Kalela, a pirate princess in search of the man she loves, on he ABS-CBN show Princess Sarah.

It can’t be too long before this bubble hits you, because as far as we’re concerned, we’ve already branded her as the Next Big Thing.

SUPREME: What made you decide to shift careers from modeling to show business?

Bubbles Paraiso: I’ve been modeling for almost seven years now, having started in 2001. Everyone knows that it’s not a job forever, and having achieved my personal goals in that field, I think it’s about time to venture into something different and widen my horizons. I’ve always been interested in acting, and I take it as a new challenge for me. It wasn’t too much of a lifestyle change though because there are a lot of similarities in the workplace for both industries. Being a model taught me discipline, time management and professionalism, which are also vital in the world of showbiz.

What kind of characters are you keen on playing?

I’d like to play all sorts of characters in my future projects. I want to be challenged in every role that’s given to me, and make me into a better actress. In this industry, you learn through experience, and I’m eager to absorb it all. I also hope to work with the country’s major-league actors. I feel blessed to be working with the likes of Albert Martinez and Lou Veloso in my first show, because I’ve learned so much from the short time we’ve worked together.

What motivates you in this job? Who are the people that have inspired you?

What motivates me now is my drive to do well in this new venture. And to not let my friends and family down since they believe in me so much. Of course, it’s the models who have successfully jumped into the showbiz wagon that I look up to, like Angel Aquino and Tweetie de Leon-Gonzalez.

What’s your dream role?

To play a role similar to my childhood heroines Cinderella and the Little Mermaid! But aside from the fantasy roles, it would also be great to be part of a show that people can relate to and touch many lives.

What are your other interests apart from acting? What do you do for R&R?

I love shopping and makeup. I’m a girl, what can I do? But apart from the typical girly things, I’m also a very active person. I go scuba diving every chance I get, Anilao being my fave destination so far, although I plan to go wreck diving in Palawan very soon. I also box and hit the gym regularly to keep in shape. If I’m not underwater, in the mall, or working out, I hang out with friends and occasionally go out. Or have DVD marathons at friends’ houses... I’m currently hooked on Gossip Girl.

What kind of music do you listen to?

I like listening to R&B and hip-hop occasionally. Pretty much anything I can dance to. Also a bit of alternative rock. My music taste is very diverse; I’m currently listening to Rihanna, Kanye West, Incubus and Coldplay. It’s really a random mix, depending on my mood.

Had you chosen a different field, which would it be?

I love makeup, so if I hadn’t entered showbiz, I guess I would have shifted into doing makeup for fashion shoots, etc. But my real dream is to someday open up my own pre-school. I love kids! And it’s great that I work with a lot of cute child actors in Princess Sarah.

How would you describe yourself? What are the values you hold true? Pet peeves?

I guess you can say that I live up to my name. I am a very happy and cheerful person, and I’m always full of energy. I value my family and true friends the most. They are my precious gems and my inspiration. I love trying out new things and I’m pretty much up for anything! And I always keep a positive outlook. Of course, I dislike hypocrites, backstabbers, and haters. I try to stay away from those people as much as possible because it’s hard when you become a victim of their deceit. I’m only human — I cry, I laugh, and I do crazy things. Pet peeve? Being late, that’s why I’m always on time.

What’s your favorite food and why?

I love salmon! Sashimi, baked, grilled, you name it. I’m a pescetarian — a kind of vegetarian who eats seafood — so that means I don’t eat anything that walks. Aside from salmon, I also enjoy Italian and Japanese cuisine. Yum!

Are you single?

Yes, right now I’m single by choice because I think I can focus more on this new career and the new opportunities that are coming my way.

What characteristics in a man do you find attractive?

Physically, he has to be tall, because I want to be able to wear heels around him. I like guys who have nice smiles, and I think I’m more inclined to mestizo-looking guys; he has to be able to hold up to a good conversation. Someone smart, loves and values his family and has a goal in life.

Our theme for this issue is marriage. Your brother Paolo has a love child with actress Mylene Dizon. Has this in any way positively or negatively affected your views on getting married?

I strongly believe in marriage. My parents and grandparents all had and have happy marriages. With my brother and Mylene, well, I don’t think it affected my views on marriage in any way, whether negative or positive. It was their decision to make. They’re both old enough to know what’s good for them anyway. Besides, they’re still good friends now and are still very good parents to their son.

Do you think that the sanctity of matrimony has been constantly eroded through the years?

Yes. And I believe society is to blame for this constant erosion. Couples nowadays just opt to live in instead of getting married, which I don’t see myself doing.

How important do you see religion as being a factor in marriage?

I think people now are more open-minded when it comes to religion. For me, if two people really love each other, then religion won’t stop them from doing anything. As long as they’re not agnostic, then it’s fine. Of course, it’s so much better if you have the same religion, so other people just opt to convert to their loved one’s religion.

Do you see yourself getting married someday?

Yes, although I have yet to meet my would-be groom.

Do you think that the no-divorce policy in our country has strengthened or contributed greatly to the security of values and sense of family or does it even matter?

I think it doesn’t even really matter. Because the way I see it, couples who have marital problems just separate and file for annulment anyway. They find reasons to nullify their marriage even if it would mean lying. Fine, divorce isn’t granted here in our country, but that doesn’t stop anyone from anything. And I think that’s also why couples opt to live in instead of get married. Because they think of the negative future right away that “what if it doesn’t work out?” and since there’s no divorce, there’s no way out. If you just live together then you can just break up. So sad.

Do you think that Filipinos should be given the valid option of divorce?

No. I don’t believe in divorce. I believe that once a couple gets married, especially in the church of God, then they are bound together as one forever. You vowed to each other “for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, ’til death do us part.” So why opt for divorce? It won’t always be bliss in marriage, so I believe that it is better to just work things out when things go wrong. Know the person completely before marrying him/her. Make sure you are willing to spend the rest of your life with that person before taking the plunge. Then get married. Divorce should never be an option. Well, that’s what I think, and that’s what I want for myself. I have nothing personally against those who have opted to separate though. Maybe they have their own reasons for divorce, who knows?

What do you think are the ingredients to a lasting marriage?

Not necessarily in order — trust, patience, love, friendship and space.

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